Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another look at the Blessed Beauty

The Blessed Tree 2011 see Cecil working in the corner :o)

last year Cecil decided to do a little trimming on the Blessed Tree! (I hope you all remember the story in an earlier blog about this tree, which makes it a little more Special to us :o)  I was worried about the trimming but as you can see she has faired well because of it and is in beautiful bloom. :o)
The weather yesterday wasn't warm enough for me to get out there and sweat...Cecil got a cold and shared it with me :o( best bet was to stay in and try to get a leg up on the cold..I was tired and needed to rest in the Chair bed...Dinner turned out to be pretty good ...all the effort I used in the summer canning paid off big :o)  I boiled a country hambone with Onion and Jalapeno pepper to use as a stock for flavor to add my canned beans and potatoes to..well, I was such a smarty pants to put the two together :o) 
While they were waiting to be added to the pot, I marinated some chicken wings that I had defrosted and let them marinate while I rested in the chair bed :o).. (Am I smart or Lazy). some questions need no answers. I use a lot of spices Salt, pepper (cayanne,black & peprika) Garlic, olive oil,and cooking wine (or any white wine I have). Wine seems to take the "Wild" taste out of chicken, deer and many other meats

A  reward from the labor  :o)


  1. I love that tree, Ginny. She's a beauty, indeed. Your dinner looks delicious! :-) I hope you get over your cold quickly and are feeling better again soon.

  2. Thanks Daisy, I thought I had it licked earlier today , but it backfired on me and tonight I'm a mess :o(
    Anyway there's always hope for tomorrow :o)

  3. Oh I hope you feel better! And hey - I have the same rolling pin! Yipee!

  4. The blooming tree is beautiful! Hope you're feeling better soon Ginny; saying a prayer for you.

  5. Thanks Mamabug, I can always use an extra prayer or two :o)...

    Ohiofarmgirl, I bet my rolling pin is older than you :o)
    At one time it was the "rage" and I tried to buy it all up,
    It's real heavy,and cold. it's real good for rolling dough on...

  6. Good morning Ginny! I came by early to see how you were doing today? Hope you are feeling better and can enjoy the spring day!

    I have the marble rolling pin AND a table - I use it as my baking table. Its my favorite thing in the kitchen.

    Happy Friday!

  7. Such a pretty tree! As always, the food looks delicious! blessings,Kathleen

  8. Ohiofarmgirl, That table sounds great! I'd love to roll out some dough on that one :o)...I'm still under the weather with this's gotten worst this morning :o( I tried working a little yesterday and that didn't make it better...washed my hair thinking that would help < wrong again :o(...I will just have to pick those Mustards and hope they help :o)

    Kathleen, wait till you see that Ham I got on sale, whoo mama and it's tasty :o)

  9. Miss Ginny, you are incredible! Here you are not feeling well, but cooking up a storm anyway. I hope you feel better soon!

  10. Sid 9170 Thanks for the well wishes, I'm getting there slowly ..I'd rather eat my cooking than depend on Cecil's cooking, he can , but I'd never hear the end of it.:o)
