Monday, May 16, 2011

Harvest for Monday

This is the beginning of this years green harvesting :o) So you all know I'm happy!
I've already had a piece of toast for breakfast...but how can I resist these greens, looking so crisp and tender ugh! Better get some before my little monsters come to visit..
There is just enough in this pan for me and Cecil and I better get mine first :o) He shows no mercy when it comes to eating, and I'm a slow eater besides..
It didn't take any time to fry up a few strips of bacon to season the greens and save the bacon strips to eat with it...and greens need cornbread in my book..looks like I was in a hurry and burned a couple
of pieces in my haste..well I ate pretty fast and didn't even notice :o)  Glad I had something to show for Monday Harvest..and was it ever good!  yippee! fresh green time again..


  1. Darn it, Ginny, look what you just made me do.....I took one look at that and went in the kitchen and made myself a batch of fried cornbread! It sure does taste good, and there's enough left to warm up and eat with bacon in the morning. You're awfully hard on my girlish figure!

  2. Annies Granny, we are old enough to wear Purple whenever we choose and eat whatever we choose when ever we choose and thank God for it..Forget about the fuigre..mine changed with diabetes long ago. Besides when I had one i didn't realize it until I lost it :o(

  3. So glad you are having a good harvest time! Blessings,Kathleen

  4. Tuesday, May 17

    Happy Birthday, Ginny!!!!!


  5. Looks like a feast fit for a queen, Ginny! I'm glad it was there for you to enjoy. :D

  6. Kathleen, I'm glad for the harvest too! Lots of back work went into it.

    Jilled, thanks for the good wishes!

    Daisy, I feasted like a queen after I cooked like a maid.
