Friday, May 6, 2011

This is the kind of breakfast for a "Farm Girl" to have so she can work her "Almost an Acre" Farm land  :o) Creamy Grits with Cheese and eggs, breakfast sausage and toasted raisin bread :o) that ought to hold her while she gets her crops in the ground.
In this bed I put the Heirloom Tomatoes I had to buy! and the peppers that I raised from seed ( I hope they are strong enough to survive).. 
I put the Cabbage and Plum Tomatoes in the "Side Garden".. (below) and took some of the Plum Tomatoes and put them into my "Greenhouse" it's very small but does a good job.  The Peppers are very small ( I may have to replace least I tried and learned a lot from them..If I lose some at least I'll have a backup :o)

These are the Plum tomato's i grew from seed :o)..last year they were hard to find. hopefully I'll have plenty this year :o)
These are the cabbage also planted in the "Side Garden". the large one you see is one that survived from last year.  At the top of the picture you can see an onion near the pot that also survived from last year...Hopefully this years cabbage crop will be as good or better than last year..still have to get some Red Cabbage. Cecil fell in love with them last year. I'm stiff as a board from all that work..Granny understands ;o)


  1. That's definitely a good working breakfast. I just love good grits! We eat them when we go to New Orleans at a little local diner, Yum!

    Boy, you put in a full day of work! Everything is looking great!

  2. I have just one word for that stiffness....Aleve. If I don't take it at night, I can't stand up straight in the morning!

    Would you believe I've never eaten grits?

  3. I like the side yard garden, nice utilization of space! I hope you get tons of plum tomatoes. They're the best.

  4. You're a good example, Miss Ginny! I can't wait to get out and work in the yard. It's still too wet to do much, but these winds will dry things up.

  5. Sounds like your gardens are coming along very nicely. Peppers are always so slow to grow from seed, seems like they take off once they are in the ground and the weather warms up though...hope yours grow like crazy.:)

  6. A good breakfast is needed on a day of working outdoors in the yard, Ginny. Our favorite one is fried potatoes with onions and scrambled eggs on top. Your gardens are looking good.

  7. Robin,nothing like a plate of grits for me anytime :o)

    Annie's Granny, Aleve back attcha :o) it's a new wonder drug for us elderly :o) Never had grits :o( your missing a treat of corn in a different form :o)

    Jody, I hope I get tons of plum tomato's too :o) and thanks for commenting on my side garden, I'm proud of that brainstorm ..that helps me have "Almost an Acre" to farm :o)

    Ladydi, it's still very windy here and promises of more rain, but I'm so anxious.and when the sun is shinning it helps

    Mr H. I'm learning a lot about seeds, I didn't know peppers were such slow buggers, next year I'll be better. I'm hoping they will survive so I can brag :o)

    Beatrice p.Boyd, A good breakfast assures me some strength to get the job done before dinner time.
