Thursday, June 2, 2011


Can anyone explain why for two years in a row our Large and beautiful Squash Vines bloom up pretty big flowers and then the flowers  disappear and there aren't any squash? What are we doing or not doing wrong!  ugh!


  1. I've read that this happens when there is no pollination for the female flowers and the male flowers just drop when it runs its course.

  2. OK Ginny, now a lesson on the birds and the bees...male and female flowers. Go to this site

    I never used to know the difference either.

  3. I think your beez need to get moving! If there isnt a buzz around the garden I believe you can hand pollinate them.

    I just saw that you enjoy Cherokee Purple tomaotes - so do I! But you are so far ahead of my little sprouts. Happy Gardening!

  4. Evidently the same thing we are doing wrong with our pumpkins. This year we have them in a much sunnier area, hoping it will make a difference. There were plenty of flowers last year, and bees busily buzzing and I assume pollinating, but nary a pumpkin.

  5. Robin, if that site doesn't beat all :o) , never thought I'd be foreplaying a flower to make it produce yikes! I guess things are bad all over :o) Maybe the bees forgot how:o) seems a lot of people have the same complaint.

  6. Yep, if all else fails, you have to do it for them :) Some gardeners will save a male flower in the frig in order to pollinate the female. I've never heard of any male not sticking around for pollination :)

  7. Robin, as the new generation says "you got that right".

  8. Sounds like pollination problems. You can do it yourself on a hot day when all the flowers are open. Take the center parts of a male flower and gently rub and shake them over the female parts!
