Monday, July 11, 2011

Harvest Monday :o)

This Monday I have a Harvest to show, Onions being one of them! After taking them up we felt we did it a little too soon :o(  The green was still healthy looking and we felt they could have grown larger had we let them stay in ground, we couldn't put them in again. I decided to wash some of them just to see what the difference would be.  They were a pretty white year I'm going to be patient and wait a little longer before taken them up...or Copy from Annie's granny and get some Walla walla onions :o)...

The tomato Hoop Box was a disappointment! I found a few rotting tomatoes filled with large catapillar looking worms! Ugh! I knew the box was infected and if I wanted some tomato's I'd better pick them and let them ripen on the window sill. It's so disappointing to work so hard and have things spoiled ..

 oh well, on a happier note I consoled my self by frying a green tomato  (sorry I didn't cook two since it was so tasty :o)
I decided to let you watch them fry and salivate too :o)
The video goes by pretty quickly, I didn't hold it long enough.(replay it)


  1. Too bad about the box, but oh, Ginny, fried green tomatoes! My favorite!!! Yum!

  2. Kathleen, by the time I finished writing the blog and viewing it ..I wanted to cook more tomato's, when my kids see this they will be "flying home" :o)

  3. Hi there, linked to your blog from one of the others I check on from time to time... just a bit of unsolicited advice... don't wash your onions until they are cured and you are ready to use them. The additional moisture could end up being a problem. You really don't ever have to wash them because once they're cured the dirst will just brush off and you peel the paper-y layer away anyhow.

  4. Foodgardenkitchen, welcome to my blog and I invite you to visit again..Thanks for your input on washing onions, I appreciate it! You never get too old to learn.

  5. I told you to wait until the onions flop over! Yes I did! The neck will get soft and the tops will fall to the side, even though they are still green. And no, do not wash them. I hang mine over the fence for a couple of hours, just to dry off the soil that clings, then just brush it off with my hands before hanging them in the shed (or on the patio) to cure. By the way, Walla Wallas don't keep but a few weeks, as they are so high in sugar and water.

    Too bad about the tomato worms. I've never had them, but the neighbor did last year, so I probably have them to look forward to. I hope not, 'cause I do NOT like fried green tomatoes!

  6. Ginny, you make me laugh--teasing us with watching that video. haha! Even if the onions are smaller than you hoped, they look like good ones.

  7. Annie's Granny,
    shh not so loud, I'm sensative, and hard headed,(they looked like they flopped) I just had to try one out of the ground then two, before I knew it, I had pullded them all. I had to see what color they were I forgot what I planted :o( , you have to admit they are pretty :o)
    I'm glad you DON'T like fried green tomato's, this way I don't have to share :o) ,
    I don't mind sharing the worms though :o) only not with my tomato's.I'm sick about it.

    Daisy,your right , the onions do look like good ones. I'll give you a small taste of the fried green tomato's too.

  8. Ginny, your onion harvest looks great! Hopefully, the tomatoes will ripen nicely inside. I'm not like Granny. I love fried green tomatoes and I won't yell at you either :)

  9. Robin, today your my new best friend:o) and I'll give you a whole fried green tomato:o) just for yourself.

  10. Oh my there's nothing better than a fried green tomato than a whole bunch of fried green tomatoes! Try them on a BLT in place of a slice of ripe tomato. Now I'm gonna have to go find me some green tomatoes!!!

  11. OK, now don't make fun, but I have never tried fried green tomatoes...they look good. Do you bread and fry them like we do our zucchini? My wife has a movie she likes called Fried Green Tomatoes and that is as close as we have ever come to them...time to broaden our horizons. We may not end up with any red tomatoes this year but I am pretty sure we will have lots of green ones.:)

  12. Mr. H. never had fried green tomato's! Your in for a treat..yes, you bread them ( I just use flour, or I'll mix a little fine cornmeal with flour..I like them sliced about 1/4 inch thick, and fried in oil, turning to brown both sides..Salt and pepper to taste before or after frying.

    Mama bug, If there is something better I haven't had it yet! :o)
