Thursday, August 11, 2011

All the fuss about this cord! it makes you tired..but I've got good news to report...$1.06 saved the day for now..that's all a roll of Vinyl electrical tape cost and about 1 hr of my time to wind it on the cord...Geez, when I started I thought just a few spots, ugh! it ended up being the whole cord that was frayed and fraying all over..E.G. offered to eliminate my stress, but I'm still canning ( isn't that wonderful to have something to can :o) and couldn't do without the Champion cord as yet!  
This "Champion" has been a champion for me ..all these years I've had her ..since Jan.1973  ...too bad the company can't replace the's one that doesn't have the ground ( that's the one with  a prong sticking out besides the two holes). Do a close up and you will see the date on the receipt..and what I paid for it then :o) it's almost tripled. I did good to wrap the cord ...:o) that's being real fugal. ( Lucky for Cecil, I was ready to buy a new one :o). Once you have one, you won't be without it.

By the way..had a Dr's appointment today, and the Dr was smiling at the good results I have with my B/S a lost a  couple of pounds :o). (the harvesting worked the skin off me :o)  

Update: The day ended up being a good one, even though the car wouldn't start this morning :o(  Two neighbors to the rescue then on to the Dr's ...We hadn't moved the car in two days ..hope that's the only reason..Cecil is going to have the battery checked to make sure..(Always something )


  1. Glad to hear that you found a cheaper option for your cord! Good to hear your dr. appointment went well too..that is always the best feeling!!

  2. Oh good, you got your cord fixed enough to use it again. Even better is that good news from the Dr.'s visit! Glad to hear it, Ginny! :-)

  3. Mrs Pickles, That was a good solution for now , hope I live long enough to wear that one out :o)..Dr's visit went well, and it did make me feel good :o).

    Daisy, I'm really on a roll ..and it seems it all went to my favor :o)

  4. I was born in February of 1973. It's nice to know that was a good year for hardworking and reliable stuff.

  5. Jody,
    that's a good laugh :o) does anyone else in the family have conceit or did you get it all? :o)

  6. Glad to hear that cobbler doesn't affect your blood sugar badly! Good old electrician's tape - where would we be without it?

  7. Ladydi I found out the secret that cobbler early in the day ( After lunch :o). and without that electrical tape I'd be up the creek without an oar :o)
