Saturday, October 8, 2011

Apple Butter and Canning still going on

Some one gave Cecil some Apples that were getting very soft and I knew we wouldn't be able to eat them up before they got softer or spoiled I decided to cut them up...cook them with seasoning of sugar, cinnamon,nutmeg and a little lemon juice.. It didn't take them long to cook at motto "Waste  not want not".

That's where my old fashioned Chimmo ( spelled incorrectly.) came in handy without putting up the "Champion" I'm glad I didn't give this old tool away has come in handy this year a few times :o)
it didn't take long to save those apples into something we would be able to eat and enjoy..we had at least three jars, during the cooking and then sampling :o) we ended up with one and a half pints of Apple butter..:o) it was smelling so good we almost tasted it all up :o)

I'm supposed to be resting, l would have hated to lose a blessing by not trying ...(best excuse I could come up with). tomorrow "laundry"..Cecil will help me, I put things in piles and that makes it easy.
Have a nice weekend..Saturday promises to be just right..for pleasures...
Today is Cecil's Birthday and we were to go out to dinner ..but like always something  gets in the way...oh well! we will make up for it during the week.. Anyway I was treated to a slice of egg custard pie :o) to celebrate and it was delicious.
My daughter was in New York and went to one of our favorite places in the world "Katz" if you have never been, you've missed out :o(  here are a few shots of that trip, don't forget to read his shirt :o) He is one of the two brothers that own Katz.

Then there is also "China Town" sights and foods to behold :o)
China Town..ducks and Chickens seasoned and mouth watering appearance.

Don't they look scrumptious! :o) wish I could tear off a piece and chomp down on it :o)...
Nothing like a tasty duck..


  1. I love your motto and I love what you did with those apples! Happy Birthday to Cecil!

  2. Thanks Leigh for the compliment and the Birthday wishes for Cecil..I'm a little under the weather so we will celebrate big time when I'm feeling better..Dinner out will be a good treat for a change..:o)

  3. Happy Birthday Cecil! Hope you're feeling better soon Ginny!

  4. great looking apple butter and happy belated birthday to Cecil!!

  5. Mama bug. I'm trying to take it easy, you all know that's a hard thing to do :o(

    Mrs. Pickles, there's only one jar left of that little batch:o) it was that good :o) and I say thanks for Cecil wishes :o)

  6. I'm so jealous of that apple butter. I've fallen in love with apple butter and cottage cheese. I'd never had it before moving to PA, and I love it. I'm working on Belle to try a few jars this fall. We'll have to wait and see. You've always got something cooking don't you!

  7. Jody, can you tell we like to eat :o) and I like being able to try and taste something new and different, and if I can make it ..all the better :o0

  8. Happy birthday to Cecil! Ginny, I hope you are feeling better soon. That first apple butter taste must have needed a second or third taste after it to make sure they were as good as the first bite. ;) Looks yummy! I hope you have a restful Sunday.

  9. Hope you feel better soon and a big happy Birthday to Cecil. Mmm, egg custard pie sounds good.

  10. Daisy, that's the way it is around here :o) first we have to taste it again to make sure we are tasting it right and before we know it , it's all gone..Cecil is a faster eater than me so I have to get the last taste :o)

    Mr H. Thanks for Cecil's birthday wishes,and by golly that egg custard pie didn't take me anytime to gobble up : I think I'm going to make some of my own rather than store bought..

  11. It has been a long time since I had homemade apple butter. My grandmother used to love it so. Happy Birtday to Cecil. Is that your daughter in the photo? She is so pretty! Well, busy bee, get some rest! blessings,Kathleen

  12. Kathleen, the apple and pear butters are so delicious. We are eating up jars like little pigs :o)...Yes, that's my daughter and she is pretty , just like her mama :o) (she really looks more like Cecil :o)
