Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cecil on his knees, two fold :o) Thanking God for this crop and picking the first fall crop of Broccoli Rabe (they were planted September 5th) :o)The greens were happy to see the rainfall and grew we say "out of the box" :o) We couldn't wait to taste them..they didn't get the little blossoms on them, but who wanted to wait :o)...You see the little white pan..he picked two of them for my big red pot..and I made a pan of my "Special Corn Bread" ( with everything in it :o)  and we munched until we were full as two little pigs.
This pan is not showing how many greens were picked, but it's two pans squashed down and I used that big red pot to put them into for cooking..this is my harvest for this week.. I'm beginning to think there is no end to canning :o).. I haven't stopped yet!


  1. Looks like quite a bounty, Ginny! I bet those were delicious with your cornbread fresh and hot.

  2. Oh boy, lucky you to have a nice fall harvest to enjoy!

    It seems like my canning goes on forever too!

  3. It can't get any better than this can it? blessings,Kathleen

  4. Actually, I wish I could do all my canning in cool weather. The greens look lovely. And so does the beginning of your hoop house.

  5. what a nice fall harvest. I am sure it all tasted amazing

  6. Daisy, it was quite a bounty :o) and we had enough for two meals with cornbread too:o)

    Robin, when I think I'm done something else shows up :o) but I'm not complaining, it's all a gift :o)

    Eggs in My Pocket..the only way to get better is more of it :o)

    Leigh, as long as we have something to can who really cares how hot or cold it gets :o) That hoop house held my tomatoes during Spring and Summer with a net over it...I took the net off for now :o) I'm trying to think of a way to combine the two boxes into a makeshift greenhouse :o)

    Mrs. Pickles, the taste was good and we are glad the greens grew so well in the box..We are trying our best to grow what we like to eat..

  7. We love broccoli rabe over here in Idaho too. You are making me hungry with the mention of corn bread...I better go eat some breakfast.:)

  8. Mr H. cornbread is just all your lacking :o) you have zillion rows of greens :o) and I'm sure wife keeps your belly full :o)

  9. Excellent looking greens, you are keeping Cecil a busy man.

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog award. I hope you pass it on. Thanks.

  10. Kris, thanks for the compliment of the greens, keeping Cecil busy is a full time job :o)

  11. Great looking Hoop house has given me an idea
