Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back to the Loom again!

Good thing I can remove my back beam! I made a mistake and had to fix it by removing the beam so I could wind the weft with the paper to keep the yarn straight. This step was a little complicated at first. I wondered how I was going to do it! Watching  video's on the Internet is quite informative :o)  Someone else had done the same thing and was explaining how she fixed it ...lucky me :o)  

Here's a side view of the back beam :o) not too shabby ugh!...remember I took this off of a loom when I took a class and now I was able to put it on my own loom at home.. I'm happy that I took my time when I took it off and it was easier to put on than I thought.

Here's the front view :o)  I don't remember if I  had a particular pattern to make anything except a scarf because of the yarn being so soft , touchy and feel-ly :o) (is that a word? :o)  anyway, I'm going to finish knotting up the front beam ..look for an easy beginners pattern, tie it up and get to weaving.. So far the Aleve  is helping the back and I'm stopping and resting when I feel it necessary.  I'll give an update on my progress, but don't look for it too soon :o)


  1. Wow, quite interesting Ginny! I love the colors of the yarn can't wait to see your project as you progress with it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Oh boy Ginny, this is going to be fun to watch. I know absolutely nothing about using a loom.

  3. Looks great, Ginny! You're off to a good start. :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mama-Bug,
    it will be awhile before I can show much more..I have to find an easy pattern first :o)

    maybe fun to you, but probably frustration for me at times :o) I'll get through it.

    I will have to take my time to get back where I was and that wasn't too far up the road :o)

  6. How exciting! Can't wait to see what you make :)

  7. I have found videos on the internet to be very helpful as well. I just love the colors you have in this piece and I can't wait to see it when you are finished. Take care and don't over work your back or hands. blessings,Kathleen

  8. Mrs. Pickles
    this is something I can't rush :o( I will have to take my time with it be patient with me :o)

    Eggs in my Pocket,
    the internet was a great invention brings information to your fingertips..but caution has to always be used, the internet carries some danger too.

  9. What beautifull colours, I am sure it will be a lovely touchy feely scarf.

  10. Cathy@home,
    I'm having trouble finding a suitable pattern and what yarn I already have to use :o( all takes time. I'm even thinking of my next project :o)

  11. thanks for the update on the avocado and bananas. I have been eyeing looms for awhile, but I don't think I could handle another craft. It will be interesting to watch your progress. Who knows, maybe next I will see you knitting♥

  12. Cici,
    I got a real big kick out of you today...I have been knitting maybe since before you were born :o) Go to Ravery maybe they still have some of my projects(I'm listed as patch2do) ;o). You can never have too many crafts either, you would enjoy weaving as well..

  13. I'm so glad you decided to keep your loom! It looks like a dandy project to keep the winter chill off.

  14. Ladydi,
    I don't know what came over me :o) I must have been sicker than I thought :o) or out of my cotton picking mind.
