Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Grumpy Post

Everyone seems to be having a Happy Holiday and waiting for Christmas Cheer aditude!
Here in NC I'm saying Bah Humbug!  My printer isn't working says "error paper jam" and there isn't one :o( .Trying to get help from the company is like pulling chicken teeth, if your not holding on, your listening to music, or sent somewhere where there is no return.
The loom isn't functioning correctly (Or I'm not doing something correctly) bah humbug.
I'm trying to look on the bright side..at least it's nice an warm in here with the new gas heater in the Studio ;o)  maybe I should clean it up or rather put some order to it. I had to do some moving things around before it was installed. Now I have too much crap in here, I need to get rid of some of them.

This is an old picture of my first dish towels that I made on my loom..my brake pedal is not in order and that's one of the problems I'm having as to where it was attached it's a simple thing  yet driving me out of my mind.
Oh well!, a better day is coming..now for some lunch..Brisket beef sandwich on Rye :o)


  1. Oh no sounds like you are having a bad day! I hope the paper jam goes away and your loom starts cooperating! Sending you happy thoughts!!

  2. Mrs. Pickles,
    the paper jam isn't going away..but the printer is..I'm tired of trying to get it working..Kodak can kiss my little money from now on goodbye.

  3. Oh my....so you are having one of "Those" days! Today is our last day of warm weather and it is raining.

    Printers never seem to last very long before they start having problems and won't work. I think that they make them that way so it's cheaper to buy a new one!

    Better days are coming! I think it's too soon for all that holiday cheer...I haven't even had my BD yet!

  4. Robin
    a better day better hurry up and get here, it seems I'm being swallowed alive with the stress of it all..I keep reading and watching video's hoping to solve the loom problem..to no avail.. Cecil is trying desperately to help me..

  5. Hope tomorrow will treat you better

  6. Seems like you and I are having the same kind of day! It's a cold dreary rainy day here in Alabama and all I want to do is go home and have a nice glass of wine and watch a good movie. I've made myself happy by thinking that tomorrow will be a better day for me. I hope your tomorrow is a good one too! Thank you for your lovely blog! I love reading it!

  7. So sorry to hear you have been having a bad day, Ginny. I hope tomorrow is a better one.

  8. Cathy!home
    tomorrow has got to be better it can't get any worse, oh ! oh I better not say that, it could be worse

    Califia's lap
    When it's dreary weather like that, I like to take it easy too..but sometimes the movies suck! I can't drink wine with all the meds I take..but it sounds delightful :o) Thanks for the blog compliment..It's a joy when I'm doing something..but a job when I'm not :o(.

  9. Daisy,
    it better be a better one..if I had a dog I'd kick it :o( and there is no other pet here but Cecil and I dare not look like I wanted to kick him, he might run away. :o)

  10. Not only do I hope TODAY is your better day...I hope its your BEST day! If you were here I'd fix you up a breakfast of eggs n toast...and some no/low sugar pie. Hang in there, Ginny, we love you!
    ps I was grumpy yesterday so we were all in good company.

  11. Ohiofarmgirl
    it's so nice to hear "We love you" :o) aw shucks! your making me feel good all over..as for that breakfast we bettet wait until my little chicken can produce :o) I'll sneak in a peice of the pie though:o) lguess we all have those grumpy days..I'm still grumpy but cleaning the studio will take some of it away...(maybe).

  12. I think everyone can say they have had days like this Ginny. Lovely dishcloths. Hope every thing starts working for you. blessings,Kathleen
