Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Hearty Breakfast for a farmer's wife!!

Didn't want to start working on the rest of those sweet potatoes this morning without putting something solid in my tummy.. Cecil had to do some errands for me so he needed to be fed also...So, grits were in order this morning with cheese to stick to our ribs :o) and a large patty of Neeses sausage and eggs fried...
Now to get to working on those sweet potatoes...after breakfast and a few minutes in the "Chair Bed" .(we love those chairs). I'll give an update on the proceeding today.:o) 
I've been busy all day ..with Sweet Potatoes peeling, slicing and preparing two large pans to cook them in..It's surprising how you can take a lot of food and whittle it down to look like nothing much! We all know how much work is involved in each dish and we all know the satisfaction we get seeing "look what I did :o)"  I had two pans but couldn't get them both in the same spot...Guess I was cockeyed tired.

This is pan #2 , both were filled pretty good. and of course Cecil had to taste them to make sure they "were on the money" < he says that when something taste good ..or he will mark my Son in law who says "That's a Ten" :o) no matter I thought they both tasted good :o) I was going to use my new vacuum bags, but the juice was too darn good to get lost..and I wanted them to "soak" in it :o) 

So I dug out my old Rubber maid containers from 1964..and put them into them and storage in the almost full freezer was easy enough, I just had to take out a loaf of bread that we will need for tomorrow's sandwich's  ( that ham again, < it taste better than the first time. Each container holds what I call a "Sunday meal", more than enough for one day ..even with company, and enough for two days.
Rubbermaid Containers from 1964 loaded with Candied Sweet Potatoes :o)


  1. I'm a farmers wife and I approve that

  2. Mrs. Pickles,
    once you get busy with the canning your so tired and don't feel up to making something to eat you need something to fall back on that will hold you:o) nothing like some grits :o) and with some cheese! you could work all day :o)

  3. Looks yummy! Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas dear friend. blessings,Kathleen

  4. That breakfast got you off to a good start and you brought in a good finish with all the work you did from it. Cecil is a lucky man! :-)

  5. Why is it every time I visit your blog I end up hungry and hankering for whatever you've got going on!

  6. Eggs in My Pocket,
    with your service daughter coming home for the Holidays , blessings be upon your household ten fold.

    Daisy ,
    I needed that breakfast, I was hungry from yesterday :o)

    you've said it before "great minds think alike" :o) and sometimes that's just what we do ..I love that new stove of yours, but I will have to be content to just look at yours...there is no way I will talk Cecil into getting one like it.. regardless of what i promise him, beg, cry or have phyical tantrums ..that will never happen :o(

  7. See this is why I have to come back and take a second look at your add on yummy things with out telling :0 So what else all goes into that sweet potato looks GREAT!

  8. Mrs Pickles,
    pay attention, I told bloggers I would give an update. I kept my word:o)..everyone uses different stuff in their mixture..I use, nutmeg, cinnamon,allspice,vanilla flavoring , lemon, raisons,corn starch, and marsh-mellows when I have them< I didn't say specific amounts because I go by ear when I'm making a large amount :o)

  9. Ok, I am a cheese grit connoisseur and I can tell just by looking at the texture of those grits that you guys know how to make them. Nothing beats cheese grits, especially after the cheese begins to thicken and harden.

  10. Kris,
    I'm going to make a batch and wrap individual packets, just for me :o) I love grits and Cecil could care less. I saw somewhere that after they have hardened they are fried < believe it or not, that I haven't tried yet!:o) but soon.
