Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ground Hog Day Doings

This season has been warmer than expected which makes one want to be outside getting the gardens in shape...and that's what we have been dong :o)...Last year we were so busy planting and harvesting we hadn't had much time for "sprucing up" So now I'll be busy trying to supervise Cecil in between my other chores..time to get the  beds organized and ready to be refilled with bark and or get the other spots dug up etc., Just in case this is really Spring..some of the trees look as if they are budding already...I guess NC is a different world..

I don't know where Bark disappears to , but it sure gets lost somewhere..seems it has to be replinished everytime you look around..I can't be at the computer and supervise too..
Have to beat that rain that's I'll have to do what the energy level says to do at this time...So much to do..
The Blueberry Bed was moved before the fall, it was too close to the tree and more in the way..I'm going to use that bed for's close to the garden and we want the Bees to visit ...and hopefully they will if we have something to offer them :o)


  1. You sound busy keeping things up. Enjoy the weather. It's warm here too.

  2. Jody,
    I may be fooling myself that Spring is here, but it sure feels like it :o)

  3. We had a couple warm days before today, but today it was back to cold again. Sounds like you have big plans and lots to do, Ginny. Good luck getting all of it done that you're dreaming about.

  4. Daisy,
    It's supposed to be nice tomorrow and then rain on Saturday..we just have to take what's coming and make the best of it all. Keeping up a yard is a lot of work..and keeping up a garden is even more..but I'm glad to have both..:o)

  5. sounds like you have been very busy. I hope spring stay away for a bit longer so you can take it easy

  6. Know what you mean by the bark disappearing. I have the same problem every year. We are having unusually warm winter too and I am tempted to put down some seeds but tell myself to wait.

  7. We are having more sunny, not warm, days this winter than I can ever remember and have also been using the time to spruce things up. I am also hoping for an early spring this year. Sounds like the nice weather will keep you very busy.:)

  8. 700 miles south and you have spring already - nice! I especially love that you can garden all winter long.
