Friday, August 10, 2012

Hello dear boggers i hope this fines you enjoying the best of health :o) I am sorry it has taken me so long to write, but i coulnt see well enough and the computer was acting up and i just wasnt up to it. i will write more soon. I look at all the cards you sent and love you even more for each one sent. As i get bettr ill write more. Ginny ;o)


  1. Oh Ginny we miss you so much!! I am happy to hear that you are starting to feel better!

    Luv ya!!

  2. Oh, Ginny, it's great to see you back! You have been missed, dear one. Love you, and hope you can manage to write a few lines now and then.

  3. Oh Ginny. It's so good to see you posting here! :) I've missed you and your posts. I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble seeing. I hope you get to feeling better very soon. Take care. I'll be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers.

  4. Oh Miss Ginny,I'm so glad to see you back! I'm glad you're well and can't wait to see what you've been up to.

  5. Oh Ginny I'm so thrilled to see you back on your blog! I'm glad to hear you are getting better. I've missed you so much! Do you still have your same email address? I've got lots of catching up to do with you. Hugs from Mamabug!

  6. Glad to see you posting again!! We have all missed you!

  7. We'll be right here waiting for you! Get better soon!

    1st and 2nd Man :-)

  8. How wonderful to hear from our own darling Miss Ginny! We have missed you, and are delighted to see you back in blog land.
