Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hi everone just thought i would like to say hello, and bid you good fortune planting this season. I would love to be joinintg you but ;;; its cold as the dickcns here and i don't see me picking up a shovel or attemping to try gardening this year either. Ive written a few letters this year but didn;t receive any replies as yet.. I probabky didnt do sonething right. so until next time ,,,, I see that somebody has moved :o)


  1. Hello Ginny! So nice to hear from you. The cold here is really hanging on. I'm ready for spring, but it will be a while before it gets here. I hope you are keeping warm. Take care! Hugs from Daisy! :-)

  2. I do hope you are feeling better. You've been missed!

  3. Mrs Ginny I am still here and I have been following your posts. I am sorry you won't be gardening this year and I have missed all your posts showing your great southern comfort food. How are you recovering? God bless.

  4. We miss you. Not sure if you wrote me (sure hope you got our card last year when we heard you needed well wishes) but I just want to tell you that you are missed.

    Much blog luv and hugs,

    1st Man from Two Men and a Little Farm

  5. Ginny, it's so great to hear from you. I miss you and think of you often!! Luv, Robin
