Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hi Folks this is me from the "Stroke world" Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you or in front of you (smile)  My daughter came to see me {The baby) or youngest which she prefers :') shes at age she loves it. I am doing well as can be expected but its not as well as i would like. I miss all of you very much and hated that i couldn't communicate with each one of you. I hate to say im on a roll because things could change overnight. I'll write as soon as i can... maybe tomorrow..Love ya! Ginny


  1. Hi Ginny! I'm so glad to see you posting here. I've been thinking of you and praying for you. It's so nice that your daughter came to visit you. Miss you and love you Ginny! Sending you a big cyber hug! ♥ ♥

  2. Ginny! So good to see a post from you. I pray that you continue to improve daily even if there are a few bumps in the road.


  3. Hi mom,
    I'm so glad Vanessa was able to get you back up and running again..I know you miss your blog friends...
    Have a good visit with your BABY Humm... and we will talk tomorrow,
    Love, Valerie
    Take it easy on the goodies she brought:)remember your blood sugar.

  4. Hi Miss Ginny,
    I'm so glad to see you back! I've missed your comments and observations. Hope you and Mr. Cecil are keeping warm.


  5. so glad to hear from you!!! keep the news coming. we love you!

  6. Glad to hear from you all...Daisy I expected an early reply from you , you don't miss a beat and leigh have you stoped remodeling yet!
    Valerie the baby has gone home again. I'll talk to you now .(smile). love ya! ginny

  7. Dear Ginny,
    It's so good to see you on line again. Keep sending us a fe3w lines so that we know you are doing well.
    Frank is not doing as well as you. He has not been able to speak for almost 2 years but his spirits are good and ha can still shower and feed himself.
    Not what we had planned for our "golden years" but it could be so much worse.
    Here's a hug..and one for Cecil.


  8. Dear Ginny,
    So good to see you on line. Keep writing so we will know you're doing well.
    Strokes are nasty, nasty things. Frank has not been able to tal do a year and a half because of one. He can feed himself, shower, dress etc., so we get along well.
    Not what we had planned for our "golden years" but it could be so much worse.
    Here's a hug for you and one for Cecil.
    You'll never know how often and with how much love I think of you both!!

  9. so nice to see a post from you! Wishing you all the best :)
