Friday, October 17, 2008

Weaving Class Last night

I meant to take my camera last night to show you what was going on in Weaving Class last night....but in my haste I forgot....but I was glad I went early to get started with my project...class doesn't start until 6:30pm...I got there about 5:00, I was lucky other classmates popped in early..and Frank (bless his kind soul) didn't want me to lose the precious time , so he insisted on helping me to take the warp off the board correctly ..not to lose the cross < (cross is very important for you non weavers).....I got the warp off the board successfully without balling anything up and tied it into more spots for security!! By that time .
Teacher enters the classroom :o)....After getting the rest of the class settled and working...she came to me (knowing I had goofed the job at home) and decided she was going to show me a different way of warping the loom with more success! Well, I mean to tell you I became jittery..I didn't want to learn something new when I was in hot water already with the old.:o(..but something said "Be quiet Gingerbread and learn something) I tried to block out the "New" stuff so afraid I wouldn't get it and be in more frustration...well, Teacher took her time and kept tying that little square box with four nails in it to the front beam, and explaining as she did , how I could move it over when I needed to..and how the cross threads showed on top and would be lifted one by one without disturbing the other part of the warp that was still tied securely....Well, I'm glad my inner Angel told me to keep quiet at the right time..that was the easiest lesson thus far and I didn't need any warping sticks to fumble while I tried to hold them and put the warp on the loom...I ended up Loving the procedure...Have to give Teacher credit , she knows her stuff and if I would "shut the Heck up" and listen :o( I'd get the knowledge :o)
I'm going to be one of the best darn weavers there is :o)
I think we need to give a Hip Hip Hooray to Good Teachers! They keep the world going sharing their knowledge.
I'm working on the Home project today with new vigor....


  1. Bless you for your perseverance and patience in this project! Wish I could knit.

  2. Yes, I know yours is weaving...I don't want to do that, but I've always wanted to knit. So far, no teacher. I can crochet a little and enjoy that.

  3. Dorothy, you can learn to knit..just find a local yarn shop and inquire when they hold classes...or go on line and find a guild in your area..Just don't hate me when you become addicted to it :o) Ginny

  4. I so agree, what would we do without good teachers? If one can find one, they are truly wonderful. So glad it turned out good for you. Blessings, Kathleen

  5. You are so dedicated to keep on trying even when things haven't been exactly perfect. Good for you! You'll get it.

  6. ladydi, I better get it before it gets me :o)'s been a real pain in the butt!, soon as I get one thing another happens...but with each mistake I learn something so I can't really gripe, I'm getting double lessons for free :o).....Ginny

  7. Hooray! I'm so glad the teacher was able to help you figure this out, Ginny. :D You're right about being open to learning new things. Congratulations! :)

  8. Thanks Daisy, learning new things is sometimes hard to do, first you have to keep your mouth shut and listen! and for me sometimes that's the most difficult :o( Ginny

  9. I'm so glad you have a method that works for you now!!!
