Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best Rare Breakfast This Morning

Why is it the best rare breakfast! Cecil made this breakfast this morning for me!
(I wonder what he is up too , or what treasure of mine did he break :o( That's why it's so rare, he doesn't do it often, but I think this morning it was super and i was hungry...bacon, biscuits, cheese and eggs and homemade Apple sauce (Or Apple butter, < I don't know which it is , just that it tastes real good...Who could ask for anything more....This afternoon we go for our flu shots, and then out to Lunch Dinner (it will be our last meal for the day) and the compliments of our Granddaughter ( my namesake) to Applebee's for Cecil's Birthday< We picked today in case after the shot we are out of it...Cecil never has any after affects, but I always zonk out! I'm so delicate hehehe LOL


  1. Looks yummy. I'm Master Cleansing right now so no food for me for awhile. Just a toxin headache.

  2. Deborah, sorry you have a headache one must do what they feel best for themselves...Ginny

  3. Jilly, If I want grits I have make them myself...Cecils says he needs more time to learn how, 60 years is not enough!:o( Ginny

  4. What a lucky lady you are and how sweet that Cecil was the cook today! That breakfast looks delicious. Hope dinner out was good too. :D

  5. Daisy,dinner out was fun and relaxing, we both had ribs, I had 1/2 rack ribs and Cecil tried the riblets, we both liked the rack better both came with French fries ..and the smallest little cup of coleslaw that we shared...We were full and no take home was necessary.....Ginny

  6. Hi Ginny,
    That looks ALMOST as good as the breakfast that Jeep cooks for me once in a while;-) Of course we're still on our honeymoon so he cooks fairly often. It's always a treat!

  7. Dorothy enjoy those rare breakfasts now....they become very scarce as time goes by...all of a sudden they seem to forget how to make this or that....BUT... if your incompasitated...they rise to the occasion...Cecil even learned to use the washer and dryer when I had back surgery :o) Ginny

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