Monday, December 8, 2008

"My Old Iron Pot"

I've been saving a Hunk of Beef to make an old fashioned Roast, you know, the one with all the veggies cooked with it, in a "One Pot Meal" I suddenly thought about my "Old Iron Pot" that I had stashed in the bottom back of a cabinet, well, I bent my little fat self down and retrieved it for a "Sunday's Roast". It's been down there for so long I almost forgot I saved it, (knowing I would never throw a pot away :o). Since it's just Cecil and I and the Kids are so far away I'm reluctant to cook some meals that we have to eat for days, doesn't bother Cecil , but I grow weary after the second helping!
Today is a perfect day for making this dish , it's kind of Nippy outside, and smelling a roast cooking (this one on top of the stove, perfect for an iron pot), give a sense of comfort and makes you remember to thank God for all the blessings you have received...


  1. A pot roast sounds so good right now, Ginny! It's cold and raining here today. That would sure hit the spot. :D

  2. Daisy, it hit our spot so well, I've had it for the second day! (Monday)....Today I fried fish! but still have some Roast left...Ginny
