Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spuash Blooms showing :o)

What Joy this cool and quiet morning to take a walk down to see the garden and find a delightful surprise...Blooms on the squash plants and the cucumbers too!.(in case you don't know, they are the yellow flowers underneath :o)..look a little closer and see the blooms on the Cranberry beans :o)..Mother Nature does her job during the night quietly and just!!...All the work put into the garden during the winter shows the health of it now...


  1. Your squash plants are looking good and healthy, Ginny. Is that butternut squash? Or some other kind?

    My parents used to grow butternut and zucchini squash when I was growing up.

  2. Daisy, I think they are Butternut squash...I was so busy looking for Heirloom tomatoes I didn't see what Cecil bought...I'll fry them up with onions whatever they are
