Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We have lost our 25 year old Cement Lions...

Usually the time flies by or just creeps when your in a hurry....I don't know what happen to this's been a busy trying one...
Cecil got his injection on Monday...and is feeling much better...Dr explained to us both that the injections would probably take 2 or more Weeks to get rid of the pain and no guarantee as to how long it will stay away!...Well we both feel better in spells and then all of a sudden the pain shoots up again...but we do feel better..

We are having company for Memorial Day and you know how it is ...there is always some special shopping and cleaning to do....We both have been doing what needed to be done...and nothing extra...I went to the beauty parlor the other day and thought I was up to shopping in the store..(wrong) should have taken my butt home and sat in the chair...that little hour wore me out :o(...I remember when I shopped til I dropped all day and half the night...pushing that right leg was not good...

This morning about 8:30 Cecil went to the store...I was in the kitchen getting the bacon ready for breakfast he was back about 9:15 and announced that in that time someone had walked up the driveway and taken the two lions (one from each side of the driveway) we had for 25 years, we brought them with us from NJ...:o(...
There is more to the story...but we can't accuse what we didn't see...We did call the police to report it...If I see them ...I will know them...there are some special marks that I'm not telling....


  1. Oh,Ginny, I am so sorry that happened. I hope you are able to get them back. It's hard to imagine someone just walking off with your property - property you've had for 25 years!! Cement lions sound large and heavy - not something just slipped into a pocket. Oh dear, I know you are missing them.

  2. Ladydi, I'm really pissed! the nerve of someone walking up to my house and then walking away with two cement lions, in broad daylight...they were each about 35/40 lbs each...don't think a child walked off with them...We have some suspicions..I'll write you about them later.

  3. Oh Ginny. I am so sorry. I hope they're returned and it turns out to be nothing more than a childish prank. Here's hoping for a quick and safe return.

  4. Thanks Melodye, but I don't think that's going to happen...since then neighbors told us that they have been seeing a strange truck in the neighborhood...and one guy walking...maybe he checks out what's an easy pick!..We are now a little more careful ...we always realized no where is safe from theives,it still hurts when it happens to you......Ginny

  5. I can't believe the nerve. How sad. I really do hope you get them back Ginny!

  6. We found that it is a racket going on in the walks and stakes out the places were items are available...there are no safe places...When I get to heaven I'm going to tell God all about how I've been mistreated down here..:o(

  7. Aw..Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear about someone taking your lions. I don't blame you for being upset and angry. Such an invasion. I guess it can happen anywhere, but it is always such a shock when it happens in your own front yard. Hugs to you from Daisy.

  8. Thanks Daisy, I'm grieving the loss as bravely as I can...if I moan and groan enough..Cecil will tell me to replace them...and I'll get the biggest ones I can pay for ;o)...What a scheming woman I am...Ginny
