Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time is flying...

I started Cardiac Rehab on Monday of this week and I could tell the difference by the time I walked back to my car ....I had muscles that I didn't know I had ...I felt sore as I worked them with the exercises ...I forgot how far the walk space was but it felt like a mile :o( and the bike hurt like hell and was too fast for me...
Today Tuesday , I did a little least I knew what to expect :o)...
Everyone kept saying how well I was doing for the second day...(I think they were just trying to stimulate and cheer me on) which was a nice thing to do...
Monday , I watched some get on the mat to do one exercise session and I thought time I'll try that one...:o( well, today I did and couldn't get my fat butt up :o(..LOL...I had to have about three people helping me up...just couldn't manipulate my legs ...what a trip ...they promised I'd be able to do it when a certain exercise was taught...that's why I shower and not bathe in the tub now...that's the bad part of today...the good thing about today...a lady walked up to me and asked if I knew "Lena Horne", because I look just like her :o).....I used to reply "She has been imitating me all my life", but today I said... I hope she is as fat as I am now, but it was flattering to hear that just maybe I wasn't looking too bad :o)... So I'm blowing smoke up my own butt :o)....
I had another good thing happen today...My oldest grandson Louis, and his wife Renee presented us with a great grand baby girl "Avery Renee Brown"...7.5 lbs 21 inches...I'll post pictures when I receive them..
Cecil and I wondered why we were still here after the bouts of ill health...what a reward for living....The picture came in as I was posting..say hello to Avery and give those cheeks a kiss from GG (great grandma Ginny) :o)


  1. Dear GGG,

    What a beautiful baby!!!! Guess it's those Lena Horn genes. :-)

    You better keep working on those exercises because, in a couple years, you're going to be chasing
    Avery all around the yard.

    It was a happy surprise when I saw your post, today, and lots of happy news when I read it.

    Keep 'em coming!


  2. Awwww, what a cute new grandbaby for you to spoil. I'm so glad the photo arrived so we could see, too!

    You go, girl, with the cariac rehab!! We're all rooting for you.

  3. She is adorable. That's why you're both still here. To teach things only great grandparents can. Enjoy her!!

  4. My Grandchildren are ecstatic about having their new baby ;o) you can hear it in their that 2:00 o'clock feeding takes some of the steam out of it :o)...
    Hope she doesn't stand in the middle of the floor crying when she gets home and says "what do I do now?"...that's what I did, Cecil said "it's going to be alright" and it was :o)...Ginny

  5. Hang in there with the exercises, Ginny. I'm sure it will get better as you go along. Be patient with yourself and your muscles. It will take time to get full steam again, but you will get there.

    Sending you a big Ohio hug from Daisy (((Ginny))).

    Happy weekend to you!
