Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time is marching on..and Ginny is stepping

I haven't been blogging ...just wasn't up to saying "I'm still tired"...
Went for the Check up today! and the Dr was very pleased with my progress :o)...I didn't think I was making any...since I wasn't up to "full steam" ...he informed me that wouldn't be until a couple of months:o( what!!! I thought it would be sooner...guess I can stop thinking "poor me" and get with the program !!
He is insisting on sending me to a "Cardiac Exercise Class" .,three times a week,( I forgot the proper name he called it...but the word "exercise" is a bummer to me...I was going to join a pool program...and I still might...no back surgery for me for a couple of years (who said I'd be here that long)..surgery was out in my book anyway..didn't need a Dr to tell me that..I think I need some fresh greens of my own making and some grits and ham to start my day :o)
I lost another five pounds....that's good, but you should see Cecil ...he has lost a lot and if he were a girl in a tight skirt...he would be a 10 or 12..and I'd like to smack him (He has a nice tight butt :o)!! His appetite is improving ...I have to make sure he stays trim...that makes me stay on the ball...We both needed to lose some of the fat :o)...Well , until next time...


  1. Miss Ginny, you will love cardiac rehab - I promise. You'll feel so strong and well, and you'll start off gently, only doing what you are comfortable with. You'll build up fast - you'll see. We'll be calling you Skinny Ginny! :>}

  2. Boy! Ladydi,just being Skinny again would be delightful... my daughter had my sewing machine overhauled and it is purring like a kitten..that might be dangerous for the budget ...think of all the new clothes :o)...happy dreams tonight...Ginny

  3. Hi dear Ginny. I'm sorry I'm so slow at getting here to comment. I'm behind on everything right now. I'm so glad to do you are doing better. Congratulations on losing some weight. Don't think of it as exercise, think of it as getting healthier. Glad to hear Cecil is doing well too. Just take it a step at a time and you'll be feeling stronger and have more energy before you know it.

  4. Ginny, it's okay to say you're tired every day, but I know what you mean. At least you aren't too tired to notice Cecil's butt ;-)


  5. I'm glad to see you posting and sure do hope you feel better and better. I bet you do well next growing season! I lost out on a lot of this growing season too with the never ending move. We'll both do better next year!

  6. Laurie, I said I was tired, not blind :o)...no need in patting Cecil's butt...he claims to have a headache every time...:o)
