Friday, October 23, 2009

Here's Cecil holding his GG (great grand) and feeling a sense of pride that he lived long enough to see her...and she is giving him a once over too :o)Trying to create a post today has been one trying feat!! It seems the computer is not being son would say I have too much s*&% t on it ...he may be right...I'd like to take everything off and start fresh...but then I'd only put back the same s*&%t :o) I need every program I have for my computer to work the way I want it give me joy!..
I've been quite busy here of late ...and my sugar count is still rising...I'm waiting for a call about a particular medicine that conflicted with another while I was hospitalized and was taken off it ....and now I'm thinking that I might be needing it...
Didn't have a good exercise on Wednesday...had to be taken off the track and sat down...too dizzy ....we are all hooked up to sensors that let them know our conditions while we are there...(often before we do).
Princess Avery left on Monday with her parents and I'm glad I took pictures...funny can get attached to babies real quick..I miss her already and look at her picture on my camera more often than I thought I would ...Cecil and I really enjoyed having her here..and she was a very quiet baby..(unless the bedroom was good and sound proof :o)....


  1. She's adorable. Unfortunately, it takes them a while to get the meds straight. It gets better. In the meantime, enjoy your pictures. The next time you see her, she' will have changed so much!

  2. Melodye you are right about that..Next time I see her I'll think it's another baby :o)...Hope her disposition doesn't get crappy...I hate spoiled crappy babies...Ginny

  3. I bet holding that little child made Cecil grin from ear to ear. I know what you mean about too much on the computer, Ginny. I'm the same way. HA! :D

  4. It took me almost an hour to get my blog up and longer to get some pictures on Easyshare...don't know If I'll be able to post them tonight...that's such a drag:o( being old, I forget too quick what I wanted to say or do :o(..Ginny
