Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Pot of Oxtail Soup for a Rainy Dreary Day

A pot of Soup is always good in this house :o)especially made from Oxtail ..(not really an Ox, just plain old cow or bull :o)...but that's what they tell people so they think they are getting something strong or better..(I think)...I tried to stir it up so you could see all the ingredient's but it wouldn't stay ...anyway there is lots of veggies and I used some of my "homemade stock" and tomatoes from the freezer and that gave it plenty of "backbone" that's what I call a nourishing meal...with a couple of buttered biscuits who could ask for anything more o) and I like making a large pot so it can last for a couple of days when I'd like to be free to do something else....not that I have so much I want to do..still takes a lot of strength to do anything...the grands are coming for the weekend and I don't want to be tired so I can enjoy them....I've got my "Friday" meal all Saturday and Sunday will be by ear...


  1. OMGosh this looks and sounds so delicious ! I should surprise my daughter with a pot, she loves oxtail soup !

  2. Ginny, how wonderful that you're feeling well enough to cook up some soup! I can't tell you how delighted I am that you are back in blogland with us. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Well, Ginny, I don't visit for a while and see what happens - you reproduce another generation! That soup looks wonderful! I didn't get any pears either, but I knew that the squirrels would get 'em!

  4. I have heard of ox tail soup....think I have the recipe in one of my books somewhere. Don't overdo yourself! blessings,Kathleen

  5. Ginny that soup looks delicious! I hope you enjoyed it and the visit with your family. I'm late in getting around to visit and comment, but I hope you are doing well.
