Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today was just "Sit on my butt day! "

Nothing cooking today ...except Cornbeef that I put on last night in a Crock Pot fashion for Sunday's meal...and baked later today...I just had one sandwich of it and some potatoes boiled in it's juice..they were good and we kind of cleaned out the fridge today of need to say there is always something in it to make a meal...

What a surprise I had today when I opened up my blog! I saw a new face on my "Follows list"..the way my computer has been acting up ..I at first thought my picture had moved...then I realized it was my youngest daughter who was a new "follower"...Welcome Vanessa, your smile looks like mine :o)


  1. I had a restful day, today, too. Sometimes we just need to recharge. :>} I hope you enjoyed your extra hour.

  2. Ginny, the title of this post made me laugh out loud. I agree with Diana, everybody needs a day like that once in a while. Your daughter's smile IS beautiful and just like yours, Ginny! :D

  3. Ladydi, the restful Sunday gave me energy for Monday's workout! Someone else (besides Cecil) said they could see a difference since my first day...that made me feel good too..
    Daisy, everyone says she looks like me anyway...sometimes I think she thinks she is me and tries to boss me around, and I have to remind her of who I am :o)Ginny

  4. It's good for you to just rest! I hope you are feeling better! blessings,Kathleen

  5. Yes Kathleen, I'm doing better ...
    and with fall weather I don't feel so bad..nice time to stay in and recouperate...but NC weather is so kind feels almost like Spring.
