Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another Tomato Day

Here's the start of another Jarring session with tomato's ..or I should say the other half of tomato's for soups or Okra with Tomato's.
I already put the pot on with the processed tomato's to cook for sauce while I wrestle with the rest of these to leave whole.
Compared to what I saw at the Farmers market and decided I may as well bite the bullet and get them, didn't want to be sorry about it later in the year's end. I was pretty snug about going into the box garden and picking up some basil to cook into my sauce..It was to cook until the sauce was half of what I put in the pot. That worked out pretty good  for me  I ended up with six quarts of sauce and four quarts of whole tomato's.

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The This pot full cooked way down to about half the amount it looked pretty good at the end of the process.Since the Basil cooked down with it , I just left it in.
The pot had to be skimmed from time to time but it worked out fine ..I used the new "best friend" ( new food processor).
One day soon I'll be  showing off  the "Canning Closet" that I converted from the sewing supplies closet. ( I think I need another shelf. ( Don't tell Cecil).
I don't think that's too shabby for a day's work!
In fact I gave myself a reward WE didn't need. It's enough to last all week and into the next (maybe) then I'll make a cake! Not that we need a cake, but the house is awful boring without some kind of sweets.
I decided to make a Pear and Apple Cobbler. Making sure it had enough liquid to make a nice juicy cobbler I put a little too much of every thing, good thing it boiled over on some tin foil :o(  it was tasty as all get out :o0


  1. That cobbler LOOKS like it was tasty as all get out, Ginny! YUM! I see you've been hard at work again today. You're a busy woman! :D Hope you have a great week ahead.

  2. Ooo- that cobbler looks like somethin' else! Won't you share your recipe?

  3. Beautiful canned tomatoes! That cobbler looks scrumptious.

  4. Whoa! Good thing you had the foil to catch the drips. It's a great time of year for cobbler; we've had a lot of it around here, too. I agree, life it too boring without some goodies around.

  5. Looks like you've been a busy lady, Ginny! It's good to be able to open a jar of something you made and enjoy it.

  6. I'm tired today after all that work done yesterday, it feels good just to look at them all lined up, and ready to be wiped up and put into the "Canning Closet" :o)
    The Cobbler is delicious, it may last the good part of the week :o)..I'm glad I had the tin foil under it..less work for Cecil :o) I'm the cook, he's the dishwasher.

  7. *giggle* That was cute Miss Ginny- "the house is boring without some kind of sweets" *Haha* I can SOOO relate to that!
    The cobbler looks delicious- and the tomatos will be so wonderful to make soup from on a cold winter's night!

  8. Paula, I'm glad someone else agrees with me about having dessert :o) (My Dr wouldn't , but what does she know :o)
    I love making soup just about anytime of year, it's so nurishing. I'm also thinking of making some of my own type of Chicken noodle for those "sick" days.Ginny

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