Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sweet potato vs Yams

These Sweet Potato's almost made it into jars, first i baked a few to get an idea of their taste.
1.They weren't naturally as sweet as I've had before..
2. They were too "stringy" not a good candidate for my "Sweet Potato Pie's"
3. You don't get better out of a jar than what you put in.

So these will not be "Canned" I will wait for the "Yams" to come forth which should be quite soon.They are always here in time for Thanksgiving. Just in case someone doesn't know it ...Yams don't have the "strings" like sweet potatoes, so they are a better candidate for sweet potato pies...and they are sweet. One is yellow (Yams)and one is red (sweet potatoes).
According to Cecil :o)...He is supposed to be the "Country One".
UPDATE: There is a lot of articles about sweet potato vs Yam..on the internet if you google for it....I just gave a "laymans" explanation. :o)


  1. Miss Ginny, I am taking notes. Really. We eat those vegetables we used to call sweet potatoes ALL the time. Like three times a week. And sometimes they are disappointingly stringy. Thanks to you, I now know not to buy sweet potatoes, but to get yams instead. I tell you, this blogging is very educational!

  2. Ladydi, I'm glad if I've given you a clue about something:o) I've gotten a few clues myself from the bloggers on the Internet. It really fills my day, I wait to see what the "regulars" have to say, and I feel like I've had company :o). Everyone isn't into food etc or the things that interest me..but on the Internet I find them and I enjoy it. Ginny

  3. Miss Ginny, I never knew the difference either. A nod and a thank you to the teacher for the tip. :D

  4. Daisy, it didn't cost me a thing :o) but it pays dividends to my ego :o), as long as I don't become a "know it all"..Ginny

  5. My favorite sweetpotato is the red jet; very dark orange flesh and very sweet. I love to bake them, just split it open and eat it with a little butter!

  6. Hi Ginny,
    I'm a country girl and we grew sweet potatoes. I don't know much about Yams, but if they have no strings, I'm going to look for some.

  7. I don't care if they are yams or sweet potatoes. As long as you are doing the cooking.
    You make the best potato pie in the world..
    From you daughter in Kentucky who needs some of her Mother's cooking....

  8. This clears up a lot.
    You have the sweetest blog Ginny, that must be because you have the sweetest life!

  9. Mama -bug, I'm with you a little butter and a split yam and I'm on my way to lip smaking good.

    Dorothy: Yams will be out very soon, keep a lookout.I'm sure you will enjoy them too! ginny

  10. Anonymous:
    I think your really watching my greens grow and that would be the reason for the visit. You better beat your brother here, he feels mistreated because you beat him to the first growth. It looks like I'm going to have a good supply, I may have to be jarring up some this weekend. :o) Mommy (to you)

    6512 and growing: My life is pretty good, but I'm like the cat, crying and enjoying it just the same:o) My main complaint "I wish I had some chickens".Ginny

  11. *MMMMM* I love sweet potatoes! I don't like when they get stringy either... I've always heard they get like that if they're old, but I don't know if that's true or not.

  12. No Paula, being old doesn't cause the"stringiness".

  13. debate over sweet potatoes vs. yams is long raging. as far as i can tell everything we grow in this country is a sweet potato. yams do better in tropical areas. as for your problems, i've always been told that sweet potatoes need a warm curing period to make them sweeten up. might help with strings too.

  14. Thanks Patrick, for your input! It's a known fact that Yams come from Africa and are similar to sweet potatoes that are grown in this country. However I'm of the understanding that yams grown here are sweeter and less, to not stringy compared to sweet potatoes.
    Until they are more Hybrid (if that's possible) my pies will be made of yams :o) Ginny
