Friday, October 15, 2010

The Persimmon's are ready :o)

It always seems like such a long wait for the Persimmon Tree to ripen and bear it's fruit.
The first year I had about 17-18 pieces of fruit
It's a pretty nice size fruit..and sells expensive at our local store.That's what made me buy
the tree in the first place. Cecil doesn't like the fruit, I'm real happy about that! he eats faster and more than me. :o)

While I'm at it, let me warn you all of what the stores latest tricks are. You ever see a price marked down on the shelf and when you take it to the register, the price is regular? Well, that's the trick, I think it's done intentionally, Why! because it happened to me three days in a row at three different stores. Their excuse is that the clerk stacked them in the wrong place.
Don't believe it! Leave it there on the Counter, they will eventually get tired of re-placing it.These are not little stores doing this . It's the big boys. They figure you will have gotten tired standing in line and the item is one you don't want to come back for what the heck! your going to bite the bullet. Cecil is embarrassing, he talks about it and Loudly! Me I leave it on the counter , give a silent Birdy and walk away! :o) I'm terrible.


  1. Nice persimmons, Ginny! I think our huge wild persimmon tree is about dead. It usually has lots of fruit on it but this year I don't see any!

  2. Dorothy, I hope it's not dead! Hopefully it may be reacting to this years crazy hot weather. I think everything was affected by it. The garden looks better now than it ever has. I'll be putting up more greens because of it. Not that I'm complaining about greens :o)..Ginny

  3. I've never eaten persimmons. Do you eat them raw- or how do you prepare them?

  4. RootAndTwig, Yes you can eat them raw! (sometimes it leaves a taste around your mouth like um! Mango (I'm allergic to Mango) can make cakes and Theres a recipe for a Persimnon pudding,<which I haven't tried yet..I love them raw, even with the "after taste" which I don't get when they are really fully ripe. Ginny

  5. I've never had persimmons either. Looks like yours did well this year.

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the stores trying to overcharge you, Ginny. You have to watch them like a hawk sometimes. Hope you have a nice weekend!:-)

  6. Thanks Daisy, I haven't planned anything special. You know farmers don't know from one day to the next what they will end up doing. Ginny

  7. Pretty persimmons! I have had the same thing happen at the store with tomatoes, Ginny. Have a great weekend. blessings,Kathleen

  8. I had one bite of a persimmon once. It made my mouth feel horribly dry in less than an instant. Do they do that to you?

  9. Ladydi, that's the feeling I was trying to discribe! not so much dry, I need another word. Today I ate one that was more ripe and it didn't do my mouth the same way. I think the ripeness has something to do with it.
    I'm going to puree them and put them in containers to make a cake or the pudding recipe from "Southern Cooking".
