Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm still Canning Greens

I'm waiting for the Canner to finish the time limit to take the jars out! I have to say Cecil and I have been well blessed with Greens this year...(every year, but these we grew :o)
We worked all day yesterday picking and cleaning mixed greens and this morning I got  them into the Canner ..I don't have to cook we are having leftovers Okra & Tomatoes with a pot of rice ( I used one of the ugly carrots :o) with it, and some backbone with gravy :o) Later I'm going to make a Cobbler for the weekend.. I wanted to show you the growth of the "Side Garden" :o) We are very proud to use every inch of space that we have  been blessed with (except I don't have no chickens :o(
This is a long view and it's the left side of the house and I think it's really neat. the Broccoli Rabe didn't do so well this fall,but it was great during the Spring so I forgive it.
This is a closer view of some of the Collards and Red Cabbage.

I think the Red Cabbage is doing so well, and I'm proud as the dickens of them. Do a close up and see their beautiful hue :o)  I hope they have the time to "head up". This is the first time Cecil and I have planted Cabbage and we are so proud of them. They will go into the freezer, I think canning would make them mush. I meant to get a "Foodsaver"by now so it would suck out all the air of the package...I have that little Ziploc thingy, but I think the Foodsaver might be a little better.
The Savoy Cabbage isn't doing too badly, but it's obvious it's not as large and full as the Red Cabbage, it's welcome just the same. I have some regular Cabbage and also some Collards in the Box and Garden.
UPDATE: Here are 6 nice full jars of Mixed greens that will be mighty tasty during the  Winter.I didn't add any bacon to thisbatch.Just added some salt.Now to get my Cobbler going and that's it for today.I tried to lighten the left side but keep running into trouble but you get the picture.



  1. Wow, it all looks great, Ginny! You and Cecil really know how to put your space to good use. :D

  2. Thanks Daisy, this year has really been a great one for us in gardening. Last year we were in bad shape and our place looked as if it were mourning for us..This year everything perked up (including us :o) Ginny

  3. If you had chickens, they would LOVE all your growing things! So perhaps it's just as well you don't. ;0) You're right, the purple cabbage is the most beautiful color. Can't you picture it in a quilt??

  4. Ladydi,Yes, I think it would be a beautiful color for a quilt..I love Purple and it seems when I'm making shawls I always seem to need a purple one :o), I have a couple of favorites, one is old looking now , with the matting and picking up pills...I use it when it doesn't matter.Maybe it's time to knitor weave another.

  5. Wow, those greens look like they hold up a lot better than I thought they would.

  6. Deborah, The greens are nice and healthy in looks and taste. We have had a good year. ginny

  7. Those cabbages are beautiful! Kraut in your future?

  8. 6512,Thanks, I 'm glad they are doing so well. I've been thinkig about what I'd do with them besides freeze. The kimshi looks good too! Ginny
