Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This Post is about a Complaint and a possible Solution!!

I want to know if anyone else out there is being bombarded by telephone calls from Health care companies or any other telemarketers ...they start off with "is there a diabetic in this household etc..."
Or they have gotten real smart and show up on the TV as a local county dept. which makes you think it's something you need to address by answering the phone...
All these calls are coming into my home from 9:15 am until 8:30 at night.
Many of these calls were coming from "Call Central" , I have tried to re-dial them , I've gone on line to no there isn't anyplace you can connect with them, unless you want to use them for your business...At one time the "Atterney General's office would be able to stop these calls....
After much complaints, and @#%^& I was finally able to get some information from my telephone provider that I'm hoping will help..I called the "Do Not Call" number that I got from "Google" and placed myself on the register for "do not call"  I hope this is the end of the calls I have been receiving and also be of help to someone else who is being annoyed and driven insane by these type of  calls...


  1. We are on the 'Do Not Call" list but still get some unwanted calls. Jeep usually gives them an earful and sets them straight. Hope you get the problem solved.

  2. Dorothy, I've given what I would consider an earful and yet it persisted...It has me paranoid as to who put me on the list in the first place..without knowing we get plenty of those pretending to be friends and do these things to annoy. We all know what payback is.

  3. You are so right in these calls can be annoying, Ginny. Thankfully we do not get many unwanted callers. We put our numebrs on the do-not-call list and maybe that has helped - not sure. If the calls continue can you report them to the local phone company or police department as nuisance calls? And I would surely give these callers an earful too!

  4. I'm sorry about the hassle, Ginny- we used to get all sorts of irritating calls until I put our number on the Do-not-call list, then they finally stopped for the most part. *Thank goodness* Maybe that will solve the problem for you!

  5. Hey Paula, at least this morning I didn't get the 9:15 am one, but sure as chickens I got one at 2:30 pm maybe there were more but we were out until 1:30pm
    Hopefully the "Do not Call" list will take affect soon.

  6. Ginny, sorry to hear you've been having this trouble. We're on the do not call list too, and we rarely get that sort of call anymore. I hope your solution will work for you.

  7. We're getting all sorts of "machine" calls, but we never wait long enough to listen to the "important message." What a pain.

  8. If you tell all unwanted callers to put you on their "do not call" list they are obligated to do so.

    I received your artwork in the mail, and am just waiting for David to use up the jar before I send the lid. Larry pointed out that it still might not fit, but I am ever optimistic.

  9. I am still receiving calls today,at least the 9:10 am didn't call< Last night was another fretful night but I managed to get some good hours of sleep. I still had a call today..and I pushed 6 buttons,and hung up..don't you know they rang again and let 6 "busy signals ring! #$%&% sometimes I think it's someones conspiracy against me...
    Ladydi, would you believe I did that artwork twice :o)
    Good thing I don't need to earn a living doing that . I thought if you cut it out it would be a better way to judge ...Don't worry if it doesn't work out, it will pop up when we least expect it...Ginny
