Monday, November 15, 2010

Let's make some Sweet Homemade Butter

In the olden days ( should say a step up from the floor model churners :o)  this item was done in a large bottle and was called "Butter Churner"  next to it is the Modern "Churner"
Which is a dream today for making your own Sweet Homemade Butter that you can add your own Herbs or Spices to taste.. I chose not to add salt to this batch, which took all of a minute and less than two wow! it surprised me to no end...I was sure I'd have to separate the whey or buttermilk before I got such thing with this new finagled Processor my daughter gave me. It went so fast I thought I had blacked out for a minute :o).

All Thing considered this will become a regular routine for me making my own butter. I'd like to add some Herbs and Spices to it..It will be a great experiment to find how each Spice or Herb will affect the taste of butter...Guess I may as well attend to the Laundry now that the Butter is done.Thank goodness at  least the washing machine will do the more hot tubs outside and the City of NY as a child we had a bath tub in the Kitchen covered by a Tin Top, the top was removed for Laundry day and bath night.. If you were lucky you found an Apartment that the Tub was in fair shape inside...they were sometimes used to make Homemade Liquors "Moonshine". People in those days did what they had to do to survive, I guess Just like today, only it's done in different ways.Being old has a lot of advantages (sometimes :o)  Some like to hear about the "Olden Days" , I can only go back so far, when I do it brings a smile to my face reminiscing. Heck! I remember when milk came in a glass bottle and there really was cream on the top.


  1. Ginny, I haven't had home churned butter since I was a girl. How much heavy cream did you use to make that container full? I've got a loaf of bread in the bread machine and think I'd love to make some butter to go with it. We may just have bread, butter and jam for dinner tonight!


  2. Jillie, I used 16oz container of heavy cream,and no salt. It's sweet and creamy a "must do this again". Ginny

  3. Ginny you never fail to amaze me! Would you PLEASE tell us how to make the butter too. I've never done it and sure would like to surprise my hubby with some homemade butter.

  4. Mama-bug, it's the easiest thing to do if you have a food processor ( you could use a plain jar,<you would have to shake it for 2-4 minutes) but in the Food processor I just added a 16oz container of "Heavy Cream" push the button and let it "Churn" for approximately 2 minutes<( my Cusinart did it in less time) pour off the liquid (save and use indoor bread making, it's buttermilk).I added the creamy butter in a plastic container and refrigerate :o) that's it. I didn't add salt, I wanted it to be sweet. I plan to add herbs and spices as I use it . Ginny

  5. Ginny, you're just full of surprises! I bet that butter is the best you ever had. :-)

  6. Daisy,of course it is :o), what's so good about it, is it's less work that when I did it years ago..I forgot I even knew how to make it :o)..This batch was nice and creamy, I could have added some yellow food color to it
    but didn't think I needed to add anything so as to keep it more natural...Ginny

  7. Thanks for the home-made butter post, Ginny but I got a bit lost here..."pour off the liquid (save and use indoor bread making, it's buttermilk)." Is there some liquid left after the heavy cream is churned? aLSO, HOW WAS THE TASTE AND IF YOU ADDED HERBS, WHICH ONES?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Beatrice, sorry if I confused you (and probably others) usually when you " churn" in a jar or Food Processor it separates the liquid from the solids, the solids is theButter! and the liquid is "buttermilk" and the buttermilk can be used in bread making, so don't throw that away (save in the fridge). The solid is the Butter and can be seasoned with any Herb or spice you like.(Garlic, chives etc.).I didn't want to use salt, when I buy butter I try to get unsalted,but adding salt isn't bad just my choice. Ginny

  10. WOW...Home made butter..Can't wait to try it with a giant slice of your hot corn bread:)
    Mom, you are to much ...

  11. Valerie, now you know from whence came those good genes you have :o) Mommy to you!
