Monday, November 8, 2010

Lousy Looking Carrots :o(

Are these the lousiest looking home grown  carrots you ever saw? Maybe so, but they are more than enough to add to a couple of dishes (I do mean a couple too) like a tablespoon with some onions and salute before adding rice to it...what a delicious taste.
I only planted one little cube of Arugula, and it has lasted all summer , I'm left with just a couple of hands full to pick at a time, they taste pretty good on a sandwich too.
Back to the carrots, I had three more that went on the compost pile..when I pulled them seemed that something had lodged right into the middle of them and survived living off my carrot.. At least now I know that carrots aren't so hard to grow, and that's encouraging. The beets were no where to be found...maybe something totally destroyed them :o(
I'm still up to my waist with greens :o) it's exhilarating to see them, and to realize they are Mine all mine :o)


  1. I bet the carrots still taste good, Ginny, even if they aren't perfect. Glad to hear the greens are still going strong for you. :-)

  2. I've never been able to grow a decent carrot either.

  3. Daisy, I'll still make them a valuable asset with the way I will use them :o)..I've been cooking a long time so I know which will be the best way to use them. I learned a long time ago how to make do with what I've got.

    Deborah, If I'm able I'm going to try it again next year.
    They don't have to be perfect in any eyes but mine, I'm my harshest critic :o) Ginny

  4. The looks of them probably doesn't effect their taste. You make me hungry, taking about all those greens!! I'd like to eat them once or twice a week with some corn bread and onion.

  5. Hi Dorothy, If I make you hungry-serves you right! You make me want to jump in the car and see some of those sights you have been seeing :o) so we're even.
    I heard someone else mention Onions in greens! I've never had them like that! sounds like it's something I want to try, thanks, Ginny

  6. I had to laugh when you said they're all yours! We know someone who says, "What's Janice's is Janice's, an what's Richard's is Janice's and Richard's. Does Cecil get to claim some of the greens??

  7. Ladydi, Cecil couldn't care less of what I say...he just fills his plate two or three times more after I've fixed it the first time! He eats way more than me any day..
    I however, have to remind him occasionally of how generous I am allowing him to share in all the wealth and bounty I posses :o)

  8. Hi, this is my first visit after wandering from another blog and I enjoyed reading some recent posts. Our carrots looked exactly the same - pitiful! We didn't even get enough for decent eating from our little garden. Grenville and I hail from southern NJ as well as other parts and now live on the VA eastern shore where we grow some veggies and work on our old house. Please do drop in for a visit anytime, we always enjoy company!

  9. Forgot to mention that I'm also a Jan Karon fan and read all the Mitford series. She has a new series now with Father Tim and I'm currently reading the newest.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Beatrice, welcome to my blog I hope you enjoyed your visit and I invite you to come again and again. There is always something going on around here, maybe not new but often with a twist. I've been so busy here of late I haven't had time to do much reading (except for blogs :o) or some of the other things I like to do.. My "Almost and Acre" farm has really kept me busy this year ,< I'm proud to say, I wish I had some chickens , but it's not allowed here.ugh! and I'm too tired to move :o(....I'll be visiting your blog soon to say hello....Ginny

  12. Now Ginny those are lovely little carrots! I'm sure they'll taste good in what ever you put them in.
    I'm going to crop my collards tomorrow. My rutabagas and potatoes are coming right along too.

  13. Mama-bug, great minds think alike :o) I have a Dr's appointment in the morning, so starting in the garden is not on the menu.. I do think over the weekend I should start selecting which I need to do first..I have some Rutabaga that Cecil is dying to eat, I want to make sure I don't take them up too early..the bottoms are growing as nice as the leaves (we eat the leaves too).
    Now I have so many greens it's hard to eat just one (like potato chips), I'm putting most in jars, freezer space is getting short :o) Amen for that! Ginny
