Sunday, November 21, 2010

Old Fashioned Sweet Potato Pudding!

 This may be the last of the Sweet Potato Saga :o)
I did these the modern lazy way! Your supposed to "grate" them by hand, but I was too lazy for that motion, so I used that new fangled machine called "Food Processor":o) it came out alright but to be honest the "hand grate" method is better. The potato grated is finer and makes for a better presentation and taste in the mouth. There is a difference. Next time when I'm not all tuckered out maybe I'll sit in my "chair bed" and just grate :o) Even if I didn't hand grate, I don't think I'll have any left overs. I only have a couple of pounds left, maybe I needed a root cellar :o)


  1. I don't think I've ever had sweet potato pudding, Ginny! I doubt you'll have any trouble with having leftovers. HA! :D

  2. Daisy,I don't think so either :o) Hope it can last until one my kids get here, Heck! I hope it can last long enogh to get into the freezer :o) it's one of my favorites.. Ginny

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  4. It looks and sounds like a very delicious pudding. We are having a sweet potato with our dinner tonight...lucky me. After all your posts on sweet potatoes I couldn't get the thought of them out of my mind so while in town we splurged and bought a few this I'm happy.:)

  5. Mr.H, I'm glad you were able to get those sweet potatoes, and hope they taste as good as you envisioned :o)...I just left your blog and saw the many varieties of potatoes you have. all I could say was WOW!, I never knew there were so many varieties of potatoes.
    I don't have enough land to try them all, and I miss that basement I used to have until we downsized! It would have made a great Root Cellar.ugh! We had the room.

  6. The sweet potatoes were delicious. I chopped them up and fried them with good.:)

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  8. Mr.H. What! fried them with Garlic< that's a new one one me :o) I guess if yoau do it with white potatoes you can do it with Sweet Potatoes :o) I'll have to try that while there is still a sale on them :o) Ginny

  9. Sweet potato pudding looks great, Ginny. And I will bet you will say that it's easy to make too as long as you use that food processor to do the grating. Just wondering if you had a big freezer to store all those sweet potato goodies.

  10. Hey Beatrice, Yes Mam'am I can't be without a freezer for my life style :o) I have a story about my freezer I had when I was in was a housewarming gift from my Mother and I tried to buy the biggest and best one that Sears carried (it was as big as a coffin) she was paying for it and we didn't have much (any) money :o)
    This one in NC is smaller (no room). Ginny

  11. Miss Ginny, if you want an even easier way, cook them in a pot of water first and then just mash them and proceed as usual with your recipe. I do it that way, and it is delicious with a marvelously creamy texture.

  12. Ladydi, thanks for the info..I was trying to make a dish without slicing like I usually do..This batch when reheated wasn't pleasing to the eye, so I have decided I would put them into the food processor and make them into pies with added ingrediants. So at least they won't be wasted...Ginny
