Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Breakfast, and is this Soda something new?

Big Breakfast this morning
It's supposed to be bad weather (again) for this afternoon into tomorrow and Cecil has a couple of errands to take care of and I'm just staying in. So a good solid breakfast is in order.. Grits, eggs bacon, and Challah toast  (which I almost burned), For me Zero Coke and Cecil Coffee ( his second cup).  
Fanta Orange Zero by Coca Cola

Cecil brought me a couple of these Fanta Soda's because they were marked "Zero"s.  and Zero Coke has become my "Soda". I never cared too much for  Orange Soda, Orange Juice yes!..
I don't care for these Orange Zero's much either, Now if they were to make Pineapple Zero's, I'd give them a thumbs up if they tasted good. For now I'll stick with my Coke Zero's, and water :o)


  1. Good Morning Ginny, I think those Fanta orange zeros have been around for awhile. I tried them but didn't like them either. I'm a die hard coke zero fan too, plain diet coke just doesn't have the right taste. That breakfast looks really good. I've got a big pot of chicken & vegetable soup on the stove simmering away for tonight's supper. It's been nasty and raining here since early this morning.

  2. Breakfast looks good, Ginny. :-) You need something substantial on cold days like today.

    I'm not a big fan of orange soda either. I usually drink the diet Pepsi or diet Coke if I'm having pop.

  3. my golly i love to see your deeeelish breakfasts! take care now in that weather... we might get a brush of it all well.

  4. Mama-bug, it's dreary here also. I was going to make
    soup today also (beef). Since we had steak last night I
    switched to chicken, cabbage and some more of my $2. potatoes :o)...Tomorrow I'll make soup with all the trimmings of a soup pot and biscuits on the side.
    I restarted a shawl and I'd like to just be able to sit and knit..

  5. Daisy, I used to be a Diet Pepsi fan, my daughter came to visit and I drank a couple of her Coke Zero's and got to like them :o)...They are both good.

    Ohiofarmgirl, I guess you can tell we like to eat in this house :o). A big breakfast keeps us most of the day, and for me that's good then I only have dinner to fix. If hubby is hungry there is always something in the fridge to eat quick.. and most times I don't eat my leftovers and he takes care of them :o)

  6. I'm glad to hear you're still drinking your water, Miss Ginny!

  7. Ladydi,
    Come in to my Parlar said the Spider to the Fly!
    That's what happened to Ladydi :o)
    I just knew when I said I drink water that would get your attention hahaha.
    Guess your paying attention....The Spider

  8. Deborah, a brand of soft drink by Coco cola.

  9. Good morning Ginny.............a great way to start the day with a great breakfast! Hope it is warming up for you. blessings,Kathleen

  10. Good Afternoon Kathleen, it's still cold here and promising to be colder with more rain and maybe snow...I'm not worried I have enough food to keep us going for awhile :o) All that canning sure paying off, and it feels good to go to thefreezer or closet and pick out eats..

  11. I thought grits were yellow, like polenta? Not a common thing up here in Canada- that's for sure. Sure looks good though.

  12. Root and Twig, Grits are made from corn! it's not ground as fine as corn meal for frying or making cornbread.
