Sunday, January 23, 2011

The other half of the Barbeque Spare Ribs

Today was a lazy day for cooking...All you see are Spare ribs (after we devoured half of them with our tasting :o) Covered with my own concoction of sauce  I used a jar of Homemade Plum Preserves, with my Tomato sauce and other spices...There is macaroni and Cheese that was to be eaten with it, but our greed didn't allow us to wait for it to be heated...We already had lunch  (Hamburger and some of my Bargain $2. French Baked Potatoes) I get such a kick out of remembering the bargain :o). It's such a lazy day and I'm still in my Pj's.  I'm comfortable and  I still smell good :o)...(more like dinner than anything else). Later we will eat the rest of the ribs and the Mac and cheese..and today's meal will be done. Neither of us wanted a veggie, guess one meal without won't hurt.. One pot of greens and we will make up for today's lost of them..


  1. Ginny, on this cold day, enjoying those ribs and relaxing in PJs inside where it's warm sounds like a good idea to me. :)

  2. Daisy, that's almost the best part of Winter! Hibernating in warm fuzzy P.J's and stuffing your gut with desirables :o)

  3. What a wonderful way to spend the day; in jammies no less! Those ribs look delicious Ginny.

  4. Mama-bug, they were delicious :o) thats why I only had those two to photo after we began "tasting" :o) and we forgot about the rest of the dinner.

  5. Mmmm! Those look mighty good, Ginny! Who has room for veggies when there's ribs to eat?

  6. Just looking at your pictures make me hungry. I'm going to have to do better when it comes to cooking. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Granny, if i would lose a few pounds I wouldn't complain..just looking at good stuff with a sauce tips the scales for me...

    Melodye, now that your retired, maybe you could make more time for cooking...but...the hobbies would suffer. Ask me how I know :o)

  8. Ginny, little late in blog reading after the weekend, but Sundays and jammies and comfort food like those ribs + mac and cheese - all go together so well!
