Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sweets made easy with Biscuits :o)

I tell you I'm getting pretty good at finding some bargains these days :o)  I went to Lowe's the other day and they had the Pillsbury Grands on sale for $1. can /8 biscuits
so I got the bright idea of getting a few and after opening them, use a few and freeze the rest...You have to be careful that they don't sit on top of each other because you can't pry them apart :o(...Anyway I got the bright idea to make some quick sweets out of them instead of always biscuits for supper...So I opened a can, rolled out about 3 at a time, spread some butter on them, added some brown sugar, raisins, walnuts  Cinnamon, and then cut them into rounds :o), baked them on 350 for about 15 minutes and wham! They filled the bill :o) They are tasty little treats like Rugala without all the fuss...I tell you, I'm getting too darn smart in my old age :o)...They are delicious ,tomorrow they will be breakfast , mine with a cup of tea and Cecil with coffee,I'm on  a roll over here :o) Do I have to tell you that the Persimmon Cake is gone?


  1. Wow Virginia, those sound wonderful, especially the butter part !

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hey Ginny, you certainly were on a "roll" with these treats - what agreat idea and less costly than buying the refrigerated cinnamon rolls. You are a clever one!

  4. Thanks, most have the ingrediants at home so there usually isn't much else to buy...

  5. Those look so good, Ginny! Yum! I can almost smell them if I think about it long enough. :)

  6. Daisy, too bad we don't have smellivision or smellicomuputersense o)

  7. Hi Ginny! That's a new one for me. I've made donuts out of biscuits when my daughter was younger and money was a lot tighter. Have a great weekend!

  8. Ahem. Blood sugar notwithstanding, they do look tasty!

  9. Ladydi, I managed to get a couple under my belt and to tell you the truth they weren' bad at all..and not too sweet either..

    Mama-bug, I'm thinking they were on sale because we detected that they tasted a little sweet..maybe somebody goofed :o) Or maybe what's old is new again.
