Monday, February 21, 2011

Persimmon Cake with Walnuts and Raisons

This was Sunday's dessert, I don't think it will make it to the end of the week.
I was looking for something to make as a weekend dessert and thought about the Persimmon Pulp I had in the Freezer  from my own Persimmon tree and I thought this was the perfect time to try a recipe that called for just  1/2 cup of sugar  (see I'm watching my intake :o) of sweets...even though it has nuts and raisins...I had to find something good to make from the Persimmons after I just about died and had hissy fits to get the tree ...I just can't seem to wait for the fruit to really ripen and I start eating it up too fast "testing" :o( Any way I managed to get 5 cups of pulp in the freezer before they were all gone..and I wanted to use it before it gets too old, in the freezer..
As you can see the cake is being enjoyed, I doubt if it will last until the end of this week (unless I make another :o)
Surprising enough, with 1/2 cup sugar it is really sweet enough especially with the raisin's and walnuts.. It has a nice flavor, puts you in the mind of Gingerbread  :o)  I'm happy with my Persimmon Cake,next is Persimmon pudding.


  1. Oh, you're making me hungry with that picture, Ginny. Sounds yummy! Good for you keeping an eye on the sugar too. :)

  2. Daisy, it's so hard sometimes! Everything I like seems to just turn right into sugars when I look at them:o( or taste them...ugh!

  3. I love fruity cakes like that, never had a persimmon before but I bet it was wonderful in that cake you made.

  4. Miss Ginny, I get tired just reading your blog. I'd say I hope to have your energy when I'm your age, but I don't have it now! The cake looks wonderful, enjoy.

  5. Mr. H. I'm pretty stuffed up with pride of having made a cake from fruit from my own tree...Simple pleasures are oft time the best :o)

    Melodye, I've been told energy begets energy and money brings money ...I'm still waiting for the first money :o) Keep living and you'll reach my age , eat well rest when necessary and don't abuse the body ( i started to name a few things , but figured that was enough..:o)

  6. Daisy, I have never (really) eaten persimmons, but this cake and the pudding you plan on making might just make me try some.

  7. You should be proud, anyone that cooks from scratch with foods they raised on their own property should be proud...:)

  8. Mr H. You ought to know since your quite the pro :o)

  9. Wonderful sounding cake! Always makes me hungry when I stop by here! blessings,Kathleen

  10. Aren't you the clever one!! I have never even heard of persimmon cake (or pudding) but they sound delicious. February brings out the kitchen adventurer in us.

  11. That cake sounds so good. I bet cecil has finished it off by now!

  12. Kathleen, I'm thrilled to make you hungry since your such an excellent cook. I've copied a lot of your recipes.

    Ladydi, what you and I have never heard of would make us both rich if we were to write a book :o)

    Mama-bug..Cecil has a couple of slices to go, but have no fear it won't make it to the weeks end :o) I'm doing my best to watch the B/S..

  13. That is an absolutely delicious looking cake and you have a lovely blog !

  14. We have a huge persimmon tree over our hen yard... I had no idea what to do with them! I cant wait to see the pudding

  15. How lucky you are to have it...I'm sure the chickens think so when they begin to fall....We had the hardest time finding ours and it was most expensive... I'll be making the pudding soon :o)
