Saturday, February 19, 2011

Today I was really a busy bee!

Today I had to find some energy! I needed to make more laundry soap and I decided to make the liquid this time...the 5 gallon bucket has been waiting for me..and today was the day...the powder was enough for today's laundry...and I had the time! It was  a quick and easy thing to do...and I feel so proud of how it's turned out...Tomorrow I intend to do the bedding...not expecting any company and I need Cecil's help with it. So I'll be able to see how the new liquid soap works, within a couple of hours it was beginning to gel, and I added a little lavender oil to it before it started ...that should make the laundry smell pretty fresh...The five gallon bucket is half full, and should last for quite a few washes since the recipe only calls for one half cup per wash..I might add 3/4 cup :o) it's cheap enough :o) UPDATE: The soap works fine, although I didn't smell any lavender ( I don't think I used enough essence, next time)
Then I decided to make some Lasagna, it took a while to do all the
dicing etc. but the meal turned out to be worth the effort, I've made enough for more than one meal..with Spring on it's way I'll be glad to pull it out of the freezer.  After all that guess what I forgot! the Darn mushrooms ugh!  At least I can say I added my own homemade cheese :o) it was delicious...Cecil had seconds  (so what else is new).


  1. Ginny that lasagna looks yummy! I bet it was even better with your homemade cheese in it. Even made your own laundry soap! You have been one busy girl today; you better rest up tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Mmmmm, looks good! I've been trying to use up some of my home canned/frozen foods this week, and did a wonderful beef and noodle casserole yesterday, with home made tomato sauce, home frozen bell peppers and fresh AZ grown onions. My cheese wasn't home made, but the dinner was sure good anyway. We ate it two nights in a row.

  3. You made your own laundry soap?! Ginny, you just amaze me. :-)

    That lasagna looks fantastic! Yum! You had quite a busy day yesterday. You deserve to rest today. :)

  4. Granny your a girl after my own heart..I feel real frugal when I prepare a meal that lasts for two or three days and cost next to nothing because I've prepared it myself..Homemade :o) I wish I had more land,this "Almost an Acre' farm isn't filling the bill..I need some chickens :o(

  5. Daisy, it's so easy and economical I can't resist and the clothes come good and clean. The Lasagna is good and we are going to have more today, the rest will be frozen for a later day :o)

    Mr. H. I keep telling hubby I'm a national treasure :o)

  6. Nice job on the homemade laundry soap Ginny!
