Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ginny and the last of the Collards :o)

Is this "Tobacco Road" or not :o)  And is this a "Country Girl" or  a "City Chick" :o)  Boy! if my friends could see me now :o)  Don't I look good? or are you looking at my Collards?
When I was gleaning the Mixed greens yesterday I saw the Collards needed to be gathered and In a hurry before the warm weather bugs came ...Well, by this morning they had started to whittle at them tired or not I had to get my butt in gear... Here they are being washed and cut up outside saving my kitchen...
Just in case you all hadn't noticed, I'm wearing a special Apron that I always feel "Smart" in :o) it's one that was made for me by "Ladydi" she loves doing a lot of quilting and sewing and does beautiful work , (by the way my Apron is reversible :o). It seems when I wear it, I do a good job and don't get too tired, maybe because I think I look cute in it. :o)
Also take a look at the other neighbors "crappy" fence. They moved in , put up a fence and moved out (good riddens, they were slack). since then there has been 3 "renters" now the Bank owns it...The other neighbors put shellac on their fence and it looks better. You can see the grass is just beginning to turn green and filling in..the Ornamental Pear trees are in bloom, (wish we had thought to plant pecan trees instead).
UPDATE: which sounds like more 6 1/2 lbs or 6 1/2 quarts  well , that's what I ended up with :o)


  1. It's great when you can do kitchen work outside! Growing up on the farm we always gathered out behind the wash house and did corn or cherries or whatever. I do it here as well in the summer.

    I think that you look pretty smart in that apron :)

  2. Ginny, you look cute as a button wearing that apron. Diana does wonderful work. I have one of her lovely aprons too! :D Your trees look so pretty!

  3. Boy Ginne, you are really in the "gree" with collards that is. And we know from other posts that those greens taste as good as they look when you cook them up - lucky you and Cecil!

  4. My, what big collards you have! *giggle*

    I think you look real fancy in your apron and sun bonnet!

  5. Love your apron! I also like the idea of reversable, I tend to make a mess when I'm cooking*wink*

    What a blessing to have such a wonderful harvest of collard greens :o)

    Enjoy your time outsie, we sure are when it's not snowing*wink*

  6. Robin,I saved a big mess in the kitchen, I'm going to get real country and get a laundry sink just for outside.

    Annie's Granny, Maybe the Seeds came from Texas instead of Georgia :o) and thanks all I need is some High heeled sneakers and I'll be on top of the game:o)

    Kelle, I'm conceited about that Apron, I think it makes me work better :o) and it is a blessing to have greens go thru the winter and be so good and plenty of harvest. I love it outside in the Spring..

  7. I love to keep the mess outside when I can, too. You look charming (as always) in your sunhat and apron. What a blessing to have grown all those marvelously nourishing greens!

  8. You look great out there Ginny and that is one large mess of greens you are processing. Looks like your freezer will be full before summer arrives this year. What a great head start.

  9. Ladydi, I'm glad you noticed how good I look in my Apron, it is so cute It's taken me a long time to use it .it's a treasure to me with all the Apples (my kitchen theme:o) Those greens are a blessing ..tasty Yumm!

    Mr. H. Thanks for the compliment, It's a wonder I got something done being so conceited about how good I looked :o)...Then I realized that the Greens were my compitition :o) , so I fixed them up and put them into the freezer . That ought to cool em off :o) except the ones we ate right away..

  10. Nice haul and I think the apron is the perfect accompaniment.

  11. Look at you, pretty lady! LOVE the hat and apron!!

  12. 6512...

    I'm glad someone notices my good looking attire :o)
