Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

It seems the more I pick the more they grow :o) Every time it rains a little the greens take off again, and greedy little me picks them again! Today one pan goes into a pot , and the other two go into the freezer ( I ran out of jars). The Collards will have to be picked this week also, and they too will go into the freezer ( and a couple of neighbors), some are almost beginning to go to seed, and can't be saved through the summer. Although once I had some that lasted 3 years...I won't push my luck with these..they have multiplied themselves greatly for me.. Guess I don't have to tell you what I'll be doing today :o)


  1. Beautiful greens Ginny! Have you tried topping the part that is trying to seed? sometimes it will give them a little longer growing time.

  2. hehehe Mama-bug, that's why I'm getting so much more :o) Today we picked these three pans full, and it's supposed to rain again in a couple of days and they will grow more...that may be the last picking to give the ground rest before we plant again :o) I'm in Green Heaven :o)

  3. Three big bowlfuls! Wow! That's great, Ginny! :-)

  4. Daisy, those are little plastic tubs :o) just right for me to work with ...and by the time those greens are shrunk they will probaly only be 3 bowls :o) but worth it.

  5. My sweet husband loves greens! Yours look beautiful. Thanks for following my blog.

  6. What a great way to start the gardening year out with so many nutritious delicious greens. One of our goals for this year is to freeze more greens.

  7. There is nothing better than this is it??..........except a pan of cornbread from the oven to go with it? Blessings,Kathleen

  8. Debbieinms, Your husband is a smart guy :o) and I think your blog is great and I want to make sure I don't miss your next project :o)

    Mr.H. it's also a great way to start a day :o) nothing like a pot of greens to get started, by all means have some in the freezer waiting to be cooked this fall. good luck with them.

    Kathleen, you said a mouthful :o) greens and cornbread
    it's good anytime of day and you don't need meat :o).

  9. Those greens really look good, you've made me hungry. Love your blog. Have a nice day, Susie Swanson

  10. Mmmmm- those looks so delicious, Miss Ginny! Do you ever scramble eggs in your greens? That's the way we used to eat them when I was a kid...

  11. Paula, No I've never had them fixed with eggs in them, I imagine that would be a high protein dish. I've had greens with some egg mixed in them in a Chinese dish, but never at home, post a recipe :o)

    Susie Swanson.. hubby and I have been piggy out with those greens and they are good and tender as can be.
