Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dreary rainy Day in NC

Home Canned Chicken salad with Homemade cheese slices added
Today is a dreary day here in NC and watching TV was the bright spot of the day until..
I decided to make a lunch and try out my "Chicken" that I canned and forgot what it was and I had a friend from the mountain visiting and when I hesitated to say what it was she popped up "Chicken" :o)  I was so surprised, she recognized it because she had done many jars of it ...How wonderful that must have been  (and work too).  So today was the day to try out a jar to see how well I'd done..I can always tell by how many times Cecil goes back for seconds :o)  (sometimes his seconds eats it all up)  Today I gave him plenty the first time (like that matters)...any way he went back for seconds and offered to put it in the fridge for me < which means  "I don't want it to spoil sitting out before I get more" :o) that's a compliment that it's good. I second that fact next time legs are on sale I'm going to repeat that effort, it's well worth it...and I'm glad I left the skin on so that the chicken stayed moist...and I'll use the juice and skin for a quick chicken soup with noodles :o) I think that's being frugal :o)


  1. It looks great, Ginny! A meal like that would brighten up my day too.

  2. Daisy, I feel good about that meal and I can't wait to do it again...chicken legs are always on sale here..and I like to buy only the fresh ones that haven't been frozen..
    The salad was good too. So many different dishes I could make with it in pint size jars...:o)
