Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Garlic and Root???

I just had to take a peek and see how my Garlic was growing! and pulled one from out of the box which I had planted first!.... I was greatly disappointed in what I saw...Where's the Garlic? Is it going to grow that much more by May??? to produce a clove (cloves)..I bought a book all about Garlic! What did or didn't I do right :o(   I'm Pissed! What am I going to do now..Still buy the big container at Sam's Club! Suppose they run out of them, if I'm going to call my self homesteader or a preparer ...What next! #$%^^Smells more like an onion than Garlic ...Will somebody please tell me something I should or shouldn't be doing.

UPDATE:  I was so sick about the garlic from the box, I just had to pull up one from the Garden.....I feel a little better now, this bulb looks bigger and smells like Garlic, I think by the end of May it may take it's shape ...Am I guessing right?
This is the top of that bulb ...couldn't focus the whole thing. the root smells good.


  1. Oh, Ginny, give the poor things some time! When the tops begin to turn brown and dry, then you'll have big garlic bulbs with cloves. As I look back through my records, it seems I pulled my first garlic from the garden in June, and it probably wasn't ready, I was just probably hungry for it! So go use that young garlic in a salad or stir fry, then wait, wait, wait!

  2. I'm not much help on this one, Ginny. The first one looks kind of like an onion to me too, but it's hard to tell from the picture. I hope your garlic will grow for you the way it is supposed to.

  3. Granny, you are probably right and I need to just wait and wait and I think June sounds more like it :o)

    Daisy, I'm wondering if I planted "leeks" without remembering :o( that's another possiblity :o(

    After being throughly disappointed about my own patience I decided to dry the leaves I pulled up and I added some of them and both bulbs to my "sliced potatoes" and other seasons for dinner homefries as I call's smelling real good in the house anyway:o)

  4. Ginny it looks like a scallion to me. I'd be worried too. But if the second one smelled like garlic, then it must be garlic. I guess, you'll just have to wait for the early summer harvest with the rest of us.

  5. Jody, maybe next year I'll be better at this :o), I may have planted scallions, I just didn't remember :o( I could blame it on age, but then I'd make myself older than Annie's Granny :o) I used both of them anyway in some homefries and they tasted delicious whatever they were :o)

  6. Just how old are you, Ginny? Huh? Huh? LOL!!

  7. They take a little time I suppose, but so worth it! Have a happy Easter! blessings,Kathleen

  8. Annies Granny, Let;s just say I'm older than water, then you say I was that rock sitting there when you rolled by:o)..

    Kathleen, happy Easter to you also and I hope those raging fires in Texas stay away from your door and
    Blessings to you.

  9. Oh, Ginny, I had to laugh at this! I remember a children's picture book in which a little boy was trying to grow some carrots, but he kept pulling them up to see how they were doing, and that made it MUCH harder for them to grow. Things grow quickly in your part of the world, but not THAT quickly.

  10. Ginnie, even if you planted scallions or leeks by mistake, they are both useful to have in cooking so I wouldn't despair. We have never planted garlic so I'm not sure what the plant should looki like, but as Annie's Granny said, you just may need to give it more time.
    Happy Easter to you and Cecil.

  11. Ladydi, I'm like the kid on christmas trying to peek in every hole to see what's there :o)...I just have to WAiT:o)
