Monday, April 25, 2011

Springtime in North Carolina

The Iris in bloom is a sure sign around here that Spring is here..Still Windy in NC but for the last two days the Sun is out in full force.. See that Pine in back of the Iris...remember her?
That's one the birds brought and Cecil planted her  there and she is thriving very well.. I think she likes it here :o)
Also blooming nicely is this Rose bush , "Jacobs Coat" I believe is it's name.
Also making an appearance is my Sage, Oregano, and  thyme in my herb box, I'm pleased about that.

I'm almost (almost) embarrassed to show my little  cabbage seedlings , but they are only a week old :o) and I think they are gorgeous :o) My pepper seeds haven't come up yet (gosh! I hope they are alive :o(  I saved them from Peppers I thought were healthy and good looking I'm still wishing and hoping they do well.

Can anyone verify that this plant that started to grow amidst my day Lilly's is what's called a "Mullen"?  I remember it to grow at least three feet tall (and more)..I also remember it being a medicinal plant..anyone know...besides Annie's Granny  :o)


  1. I had no idea what it was (I thought it was lamb's ear), but Google is my friend ;-)

    Common mullein, V. thapsus:

    Your iris and roses are gorgeous. My favorite rose died over the winter. It was over twenty years old, so I had many years of joy from it. I wish I knew the variety, I'd like to plant another one.

  2. Annie's Granny, I'm sorry to hear you lost your rose! I lost a lot of plants moving and slowly I'm trying to replace them ..Do you have any pictures with that Rose in it?...If so maybe the growers could help you identify it or take a peek at the Rose Garden in your town..maybe that could help, good luck .

  3. Love the iris photos! Sure signs of spring!

  4. Your roses and iris are beautiful, Ginny, and your little cabbage plants are cute as can be. :-)

  5. ONG, thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed your visit, come back again..I'm usually up to doing something.

    Daisy, I couldn't get the whole shot of them across the garden, they were planted to help hold the dirt from sliding off the hill..They look wonderful in full bloom.

  6. absolutely beautiful! oh i wish we were further along in our spring. but soon! soon!
    ps i had chicken salad for lunch the other day too!

  7. Everything looks great, send some of that sun my way will you? That mullein plant is an excellent dried herb and we even add the young leaves to our salads.

  8. By golly There are some pretty smart people on these blogs (besides me :o).. I remember that plant fron NJ when I was younger but forgot all the things I had learned before ugh!.. After Granny and Mr. H. brought it back , I printed it out and I'm going to wait for it to grow up a little more.Then I'll start experimenting again.:o)
    Mr H. amd Ohiofarmgirl, wish I could send some sunshine your way, but for the next three days I'll be losing what I have because Rain is taking over Ugh!

  9. Spring in North Carolina looks delightful! You're ahead of us by a couple of weeks, but it's looking pretty fine around here, too. Nice!
