Saturday, April 9, 2011

Potato Planting

Yesterday was a beautiful warm day and you could hear lawn mowers humming and even the birds were making sounds of Spring..It was also a time to get the potato's in the ground...This "Almost an Acre" farm land :o) does a lot if you work it right, only thing missing is some chickens and ducks :o(....
Cecil was in charge of getting the potato field and potato eyes ready...I wasn't allowed to supervise at all ( I felt too stuffy with the cold to even fight about it, as long as I get some potatoes i don't give a S*** :o)

I really was glad  to give him some praise! I think he did a real good job laying out the land and getting the potatoes in line without my supervision  :o), I don't think I could have directed him any better  (maybe I finally trained him better than his mama did :o)....
This was the same area we had some beautiful Canna's  that were killed the year before last from the  killer frost :o(  Hopefully we will have some nice Yukon Golds and white potatoes..We may put down some reds for variety. I picked a pot of the Mustards so Cecil could plant some Carrots, and onions in that area..Us'es is farmers :o)


  1. It'll be so much fun for you to have those potatoes!
    Potatoes used to be a major crop here on Long Island, when it was mostly farmland. There are very few farms now, and I'm not sure any grow potatoes. But the funny thing is that when we moved out to this part of the island about 28 years ago, I would find potato bits all over my gardens--leftover from some long ago field of spuds! I never tried growing them myself although I bet they taste really good out of the ground!

  2. Looks to me like Cecil did a great job, Ginny. You've taught him well! Ha! Looks pretty there. Your garden is coming along great. :)

  3. I'm sure going to miss my potatoes this year, but every square inch of my garden is already spoken for. I decided I could buy the potatoes cheap enough at the farm stand up the road, so I'm planting other stuff in their place. Cecil is a gem, he's done well with that potato planting!

  4. It looks like you trained Cecil very well! He did a great job planting those potatoes! Have you trained him to clean the house too??

  5. Have you grown yams, too? If your farm had a sheep you could spin your own wool!

  6. You have trained him well, that looks to be an excellent potato patch. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  7. Oops - computers are mysterious creations, and somehow ours thought I was Larry, and I have probably left you a comment as Sid9170 - but it's really me. (sorry!)

  8. Mom2fur, it will be more than fun :o) it will be some good eating and good for my budget:o) Give yourself a treat..nothing like home grown.

    Daisy, Cecil did a good job without my supervision, looks like I did a good job training him :o)

    Annie's Granny, sometimes our Farmers Market is higher than the supermarkets, Cecil is a gem, after I polished him really good :o)

    Robin, first I had to get rid of all the garbage his mama didn't clean up :o) then I began to mold him :o) So now is is a keeper as long as he doesn't stray from my teachings :o)s

    Sid 9170. No we haven't grown yams yet! I already buy wool and spin my own yarn, I just want some chickens :o)

    Mr.H. being a farmer you know you have to keep moving even when you don't feel well :o) I did do a good job with Cecil didn't I :o) LOL

    Ladydi, I think you have a lot on your mind here lately, I notice how busy you have become..well, brace yourself energy begats energy :o)

  9. You sure will be enjoying those potatoes, Ginny. I can just see the salads and other delights you will be cooking up. Cecil did very well indeed and you always do as well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. That is a lot of potatoes! what lovely red soil you have there!

  11. when i saw the potato planting i remembered my grandpa and helping him plant potatos as a kid. My family is from Wake County, and Pasquatque County ( I think thats how they spell it ) anyways my parents left a thousand years ago and I really miss it. I am so happy to have found your blog.My you have potatos galore! Tink

  12. Beatrice, I hope they do well, the soil looks good and we did our best.

    Matron, thanks for noticing the soil :o)...we try to work with it the best we know how :o)..Cecil is so proud when I told him someone noticed it :o) We were composting for a year and it went into the garden this year :o)

    Tinks Spin, thanks for visiting my blog I'm glad you had fond memories about potato planting:o) hubby and I are enjoying our "Almost an Acre" farm :o) Only thing we cant have any chickens :o( HOA sucks! Come visit again, we never know what I'm going to do next :o)

  13. Awesome there, Great work, keep it up. I love returning back to this site and reading the quality content you always have on offer.

