Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Mullein Plant goes to Tea :o)

Today was a good day to strip the Mullein stalk, dry the leaves, put them into the food processor,  pulse them into tea form. (how about that description :o)  I forgot to take the picture before I started the task. Here's a picture of the bottom, the leaves were left purposely, they say tea from them gives nightmares :o(  Just so you know what the Mullein looks like when you see them.It didn't happen all at once , it took a day and into the evening until the morning.
Here is a picture of the Mullein top where the yellow flowers were..(I didn't harvest it soon enough to pick them) they are supposed to be good for ear infections and or salve making. Later I'll try that one.

Next into the dehydrator, instead of brown paper bagging it too dry.
After it dries..into the food Processor to  grind it up for tea making.

After it was ground in the food processor I found a few stubborn stalks, I just took them out..The ground leaves are very soft and feel like cotton :o)...With one stalk of Mullein dried I got quite a bit for making tea..I tsp to a cup of water is the recipe with honey to sweeten's on the bitter side.. supposed to relax you..I can use that.

Here is what I ended up with! There are a few cups of tea in this container , but if I look around maybe there's another plant and two or three more quarts won't be bad to have to have, takes a little work and it's free :o)...
Update: corrected spelling "MULLEIN"


  1. How interesting Ginny. I didn't know a thing about this!

  2. Robin, what we don't know would print a dozen books :o)

  3. I've never heard of mullen before, Ginny. You sure are a clever one. :)

  4. Ha! We were doing the same thing just yesterday with our mullein.:)

  5. Mr.H. With all that your involved in how did you find the time :o) Do you have any other recipes for it? I'd like to know :o)

  6. Well, Ginny, you got me again........I have never heard of Mullein. I'm not sure if it even grows in my area. Have a great weekend!

  7. I'll be ready to see your own tea in your pretty teacup! You and Cecil are good stewards of this green earth.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Kathleen, I sent you a site for Mullein, I bet you have loads of it around..

    Ladydi, thanks for the compliment..we try to do our best :o)...I have been making a cup of tea for two days and haven't had time yet! maybe soon....
