Monday, June 20, 2011

My Harvest for Monday 6.5 Yukons and Russet potatoes

They may look like a pitiful lot to some, but we are happy that at least we were able to grow something in that spot and it is more than a couple of meals..In fact we had some cooked with string bean for Sunday's meal..they were to small to peel so I scrubbed them and added just the yukons to the pot that had smoked hocks < they picked up the flavor and were delicious..We still have some red potatoes in the garden, and they are looking much better so hopefully we will have a good harvest there...
We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday and bought some delicous "White Queen Corn" they were freshly picked and one bite sent us back Sunday morning ..we only went for 2 doz. but ended up with a bushel :o).

 You all know that corn comes with a brown tassel at the top and a spike at the bottom,well I cut off the brown top with my sissors, turn it around and cut off the spike at the bottom (feel it to find the end) then take off the husk (leaves :o) until you get as close to the kernels leaving layers to continue to keep it protected with a few layers.
Mother Nature protects the kernels in this way, and it's a good way to keep away freezer burn..I've done this and corn was as fresh as when first picked after a year! 
 No joke!  Then I pack them into gallon freezer bags (8 in a bag fits nicely :o) then into the freezer until will have to strip them and take off the silks then. You can put them into bigger bags if you want and just take out enough as desired :o)  That's a good hint for this Harvest Monday...I give it free as I got it..passing it on..


  1. New potatoes? Fresh corn? I'd be in heaven. Add a ton of butter and a nice vine ripened sliced tomato, and you have my favorite meal.

  2. Annie's granny,
    I've got tomatoes on the vine, but not ripened yet! Believe me I'm eyeballing them with great anxiety. I also love "fried green tomatoes" I just need a lot before I start picking :o) We are making pigs out of ourselves already with this corn.

  3. Don't you just love those yukon gold potatoes??? They are definitely a favorite around here! I have never heard of freezing the corn on the cob with some of the husks on. I think that we are definitely going to have to try that this year!

  4. I've never tried freezing the corn, cob and all before Ginny. I bet it is good like that. My mom used to cook the corn and then cut it off the cob before putting it into bags for the winter. Hers always tasted like fresh from the garden too. :-)

  5. Thanks for this great tip on freezing corn, what a great idea! Will have to try this so I can have sweet corn on the cob in the winter!

  6. Ginny! You should have brought that corn and those taters and run right over for supper. I roasted a chicken - you know, a FRESH chicken - and it was amazing. We dont have good corn yet but I cant wait. Aside from 'on the cob' my favorite corn dish is corn fritters.

  7. Robin, you won't be sorry with that corn this winter, and yes! I love those yukon potatoes :o) If I ever get more than enough I'm putting them in jars too :o)

    Daisy, the corn is good like that and I always "suck" the cob to get all the juices :o) I always add a little milk and a spoonful of sugar to the water and let it simmer.

    Piper, it's good to have it both ways :o), you can always cut it off the cob after cooking if you want to make another Corn pudding etc.

    Ohiofarmgirl, that Chicken you baked must have drifted this way..I've had baked chicken on my mind for two days now :o)..Corn fritters with it would have been delicious too.

  8. Hmmm, never thought to freeze corn. I know what I'll be doing next week. I learn so much reading your blog!! I have tomatoes and peppers, but nothing anywhere near ready to pick. I'm looking forward to fresh tomatoes, too. Nothing beats then!!

  9. Thanks for the tip for freezing corn! We have planted our first real garden and my grown son is so excited about it --I bought the plants, he planted them and is tending the garden. The weeds are a real bugger! I think we were too ambitious and made the garden way too big, but it will be a good learning experience. Son is already planning next year and how he'll do a few things differently!
    We did all heirloom tomatoes--any opinion on varities?
    So glad I stumbled upon your blog!

    Cowgirl V

  10. Melodye, the longer you live the more you will learn, just keep an open eye,ear, and mind :o)

    Stickhorsecowgirls, I welcome your visit and offer you to come back again and again..Gardening is an experience and sometimes (most times for me) you learn as you go :o) There are many varieties of Heirloom tomatoes you have to select which ones you like the best ..I think the Roma tomatoes are the meatiest for making sauces..I planted a lot of those.:o)

  11. Hi! I see you are in NC. I'm in the mountains, near Asheville. I love meeting 'neighbors'. My husband has plante a small garden, some beans and peppers. I love those new potatoes. calle the 'graveling taters'. You can just wash the peel right off. So yo don't blanch the corn? I may have to try that.
    Hope you have a blessed day.
    Patty H.

  12. Thanks for the freezer corn idea. It looks quick and easy. Not only that we cook our corn cobs with the husk on. It's perfect!

  13. Patty H. thanks for your visit ..please come back to see me again. A small garden is satisfying too :o) each year it seems to get bigger :o) I love those frest taters too!
    Once you do the corn you won't do it any other way :o)

    Jody, your welcome to the corn really works for the good ...I know the family will enjoy it too. I'll try your method on the grill one day (soon:o)

  14. That's the same way I freeze my corn, Ginny! My Grandmother told me about that "trick".
    It hardly makes it to the freezer at my house, though~ I make a pig of myself when there's fresh corn around. ;)
    Your taters look yummy too!

  15. Paula, that's was a good "trick"your granny taught you for corn :o) and we are pigging out here too! Hope I will have some left for winter :o)...I think it's five or six dozen in a bushel and Cecil and I have already eaten half a dozen in two days..:o( wait til the kids come ouy!
