Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Food Orgy continues :o)

First of all today after breakfast ( grits, bacon, eggs with cheese and onions) it was off to the fish market for the Friday Fish Fry :o)  Then back home again, it's time to add to the already cooked dishes with a pot of Mixed greens cooked with the famous Country Ham :o)  and then of course a pan of corn bread to go with it..and a little pot of rice made my special way :o) I'm glad there was enough to get a shot of it before it was all gone... The kids enjoyed it so I think I'll be safe to make it again :o) 

I just made one pan of cornbread with Jalapeno peppers and onions to go with the greens . After all what's greens without some cornbread with butter dripping between your fingers :o)...I'm such a little piggy! And last but not least is the Spareribs, potatoes and Kraut dish that I was quite proud of...the potatoes were from our garden :o) and the Kraut was some I made with store bought cabbage..hopefully next week I'll be able to make Kraut with my own cabbage from my garden :o)...Tomorrow you may not hear from me early...The last one will be here and we will have a Fish Fry..and make gluttons of ourselves..I'll try and make the Blueberry cobbler since the Pear and Apple is almost gone.. A good night's sleep and I'll be in top notch shape to cook again tomorrow ...Fish Fries and a Salad..and any leftovers they find :o) It's fun having the kids home :o)


  1. The kraut looks great. We're still waiting for ours. There's about 3 weeks left to go. Sure hope your garden cabbage comes in strong for you.

  2. Jody, they are beginning to "head up" pretty good, but something is still nibbling at them. I dusted with D. Earth and Seven, nothing seems to stop them..I'd shoot them but would probably have the bullet bounce back and hit me :o( hopefully I'll be able to get enough to make a few jars...I got a new recipe to try from P. Allen Smith that looks good to try.

  3. Thats IT! If you see a girl in work boots drive up in a big red truck with a couple of hard workin' farm dogs...thats me and I'm coming in for dinner - and breakfast - and lunch - and snacks...and oh the greens! Wheee! Great work!

  4. Jalepeno cornbread...yummmmmmm.

  5. That's a lot of cooking, Miss Ginny! This is the time of year when I decide fruit and salad are good - not much cooking around here when it's 90 degrees outside.

  6. Ohiofarmgirl, I got a kick out of how close your discription fit the firemen that came to the house yesterday! (see today's blog notes).

    Mr. H. the cornbread was eaten with a lot of praise and gusto :o) you know! Mama's cooking :o)

    Ladydi, it's always a lot of cooking around here, regardless of the weather..especially having A/C my family loves the smell of things cooking when they are home we have fun around it.

  7. I sure do miss American home cooking! My mouth is watering. Thanks for the photos!

  8. Matron, it looks like your doing pretty good where you are! What is it you can't get there? They seem to have everything and even more.

  9. The greens look yummy. I cook mine with a ham bone or smoked neckbones. Glad I found your blog. My SIL is from SC, I'm sure I'll find some great (southern) dishes to duplicate on your blog. Please share your cornbread recipe.
