Sunday, July 17, 2011

Around here Something new every Day!

I don't have to do anything , but it seems with every day there is something going on with us ( good, bad, and or indifferent) We left the house about 2 pm to visit family for awhile and returned about 6pm . We kind of fretted on the way that we forgot to put the A/C on :o(  Well, it's a good thing we didn't ...the minute we walked in we could smell gas!!!
Checking the stove, I hadn't left it on (gas stove) Fireplace (gas) hadn't been used in years  (had that blocked off to keep the A/C or Heat from escaping up the chimney). Call 911 and report the smell...
What excitement it caused in the neighborhood!...Everyone was peeking and walking up to see if one of us had croaked :o)  One neighbor said he was only worried about my tomatoes :o). ( at least he was honest about it)  He was only teasing , ( one year he shoveled snow from our walk without saying a word).
 It's kind of hard to sit away from your house and watch all the strangers (firemen) walking all around in and out of your house, and with big scruffy boots on like it's a pathway (glad I hadn't knocked myself out cleaning this time with the kids coming, just to prove I was okay) The Firemen had a job to do, and they did it with gusto! I just had to stay the heck out of the way...Cecil tried to be "macho" but the kids sat him down next to me :o)....Well, Guess I taught them "how to manage", cause they sure "took over"... They found a couple of leaks, fireplace valve, furnace valve and I think Hot water's all in the report . they turned off the gas to make sure we would be safe...We still have A/C, and the  until Monday..we won't have hot water to shower...we have had to heat water before...At least I woke up this morning Alive, (but tired)..The kids are back home ...I put some tomato seeds up for saving and I'm doing a load of laundry on Warm/water. That was my weekend...and there is still Harvest Monday coming. Whew! what would you all do without me! :o)


  1. I'm certainly glad that you and Cecil are ok!

  2. Oh my Ginny, it's a good thing that you smelled the gas and the leaks were found! I'm happy to hear that the two of you are safe!

  3. Wow, doesn't sound like fun, glad you are OK. Considering how many leaks they found I suppose this was really a blessing in disguise and one less thing to worry about in the future. Hope the repairs happen quickly so you can get your hot water back on.

  4. Engineeredgarden, We are just fine, tired from all the preparations knowing the kids were coming :o)

    Robin, thank goodness they all smelled it besides me, Cecil complains about me smelling things :o(

    Mr. H. I think it is a blessing in disguise, I've wanted to convert that gas back to wood years ago, maybe now I can sneak it in :o). Say a little prayer that I can..You know intercede :o)

  5. The Lord was surely looking out for you and your family. I am glad everything turned out OK.

  6. WOW! Ginny I'm so glad you are OK! And that you called asap... whew! And yep there is always something.

  7. Miss Ginny, I'm so glad the kids were home! I'm even happier that you and Mr. Cecil are ok. The Lord is good!

  8. Kris, The lord looks out for fools and babies! I want to be the baby :o) You can't fool around with gas, Period!
    I liked the way the kids "took charge" , guess they are smart like me :o)

    Ohiofarmgirl, There is always something going on with me ...even when I ain't looking :o)

    Melodye, like we say "All the time"

  9. I'm so thankful you & Cecil are safe!

  10. Well, I was going to visit you tonight to give you a bad time, but here I find you've tried to do away with yourself and Cecil so I have to just give you some big hugs instead. I'm so glad you were alerted to the problem, and that it was handled in a professional way. Remember, we aren't ready to "retire", if you know what I mean. Love ya.

  11. Mama bug, it's hard to knock down two toughies :o)

    Annie's Granny, look out! your showing a soft spot :o),
    I just might ask you for something before either of us oldies "kick the bucket : < you know what I mean :o) LOL ;o)

  12. Oh my goodness, Ginny. I'm so glad to hear that you are OK there. I hope things get fixed for you soon.
