Monday, August 15, 2011

How I took it Easy today

Today I wakened, tired and with less energy than a wet mop! I decided I'd take it easy and just plop in my chair bed and take it easy and drink as many Zero's as I pleased.
Cecil had gone to the Ministry to give his services and I didn't have to worry about fixing breakfast for either of us.. So I sat and sat and sat! TV didn't have anything special to watch...except my garden and food shows..and they weren't doing any thing special to me..I felt like sometimes they just give you anything, maybe they get tired too.. My day perked up when the mailman came..I found an envelope from one of my special bloggers that had some beautiful seeds in it for me Thanks Mr. H. :o) and that really perked me up!  
After resting a bit more  I decided I might need something that I wasn't getting , maybe I needed some Corn Bread with some onions, Jalapeno peppers and corn in it..:o) That ought to perk anybody up...wish I had some Buttermilk..that would have been all I needed..for breakfast, lunch or dinner..I had some Mylar Spinach loaded with butter..that spinach has a different twist ..taste like it has a little okra in it..with just a little pat of butter it's delicious. I didn't feel like a lot of cooking , you know how it is. Once you get started and you smell some foods it makes you think of others...
I had a closet full of canned Sweet Potato's that I thought about and knew I needed to get  a move on using them because before I knew it , fall would be here and I'd be looking to put up those sweet potatoes that E.G. got me all fired up to do..they are coming along nicely and I'm hoping to have a good crop..Hope they aren't a disappointment like my other potatoes..they didn't fair well at all. So I made a Sweet Potato Fluff :o) Cecil will be happy about that.


  1. HA! Ginny, for not having to do any cooking, it looks to me like you did a lot. I hope you are perked up and feeling better by now.

  2. I had to laugh at what happened to your day off! While you're supposed to be resting your brain has ideas swirling around, and pretty soon you're in the kitchen. You deserve a day or rest with all the work you do, Miss Ginny. Your brain just didn't get the memo yet.

  3. Daisy, I'm trying to get up some energy to clean out the tomato box, it's time for fall veggies. I'm still keeping the chair bed warm :o).

    Ladydi , my mind tells my body it's tired and needs to rest, but the body doesn't want to thinks it's smarter than the mind it mind over matter ..:o(

  4. You should seriously take it easy - trellises are next! Haha....

  5. E.G. you are definitely an instigator..always starting something in the minds of poor innocent people, who soon fall under your Engineering spell.

  6. I woke up with a craving for jalapeno corn bread, but I checked my peppers and they were still too small. I had to make do with a cinnamon raisin English muffin, with some fresh strawberry jam. I'm still craving jalapeno, so I think I'll pop open a jar of my hot pepper jelly and spread it on some crackers. I just saw a recipe for sweet potato muffins. I'll see if I can find it again.

  7. For taking it easy Ginny, you sure got some great food together!

  8. I seem to have the same taking it easy problem as you do! Just try to ignore that EG...he's trouble!!

  9. If all that cooking is taking it easy for you, I wonder what you can get done when you feel great. I hope you have an even better day today.

  10. Robin, I agree with you, EG is pure trouble, but he does keep us going and going like energized bunnies :o)

    Annie's Granny, What's this with us wanting Jalapeno's are we expecting? hahaha I keep some handy in the fridge freezer that I bought from the store..mine in the side garden didn't even get to wilt on the vine this year.. Thanks for the Muffin recipe,,it sounds like a keeper.

    Jody, what's the sense in taking it easy if you can't stuff your face with some good eats :o) that's the best part of taking it easy :o)

  11. I don't know why I even bother growing jalapenos. We have two Mexican markets in town that sell beautiful ones all year for 59 cents a pound. I can't grow them for that price.

  12. Annie's Granny, Jalapeno's for $.59 I wouldn't bother either at that price. I can get them for $.99 lb at one Latin store in our area they carry Habenero peppers also and they have lots of other peppers I don't know what to do with YET! I mix Habanero and garlic into a paste and use that for my "Spaghetti Medley", that makes it hot , but it's so tasty.
