Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cecil decided to remove the "Crappy Dirt" out of one box, and spread it around the garden and side gardens  :o)  he is going to add some lime and get those roots out..before we plant anything inside this box again.The Tomatoes have been removed and the Peppers were left to see if they even gave a hint of surviving ...We expect some rain, and it seems Rain cures it all ...if they don't perk up , they too will be tossed...My tomatoes didn't do as well as I expected from our efforts but at least we got something.        

We are now going to call this side of the yard the P. Side  ( stands for Peach, Persimmon and Pears :o) We planted Potatoes there in the Spring and didn't get back as much as we planted...This time we will add some fertilizer etc. and hopefully it will do a better job of producing..We aren't sure what we will plant there for the fall..it seems you plan spots for this or that, "The Almost an Acre" kinda fills up :o) This week I'm glad I didn't have to tend to any chickens..I'm plum worn out a bit..Ohiofarmgirl has taken to raising a little biddy for me ..it's the cutest of the group :o)         


Cecil taking a well deserved "break" . After each job he says "after this I'm going to stop"  it seemed "after this" didn't get there soon enough. Maybe it's those Grits,Neese's sausage, cheese and veggie omelet I made him for breakfast. (I felt guilty for being asleep while he was up and working). If it's true that getting to a man's heart is through his stomach, I'm batting a hundred :o). If he were rich I'd be shopping about now :o)

Update:  Keeping Cecil happy! Add some garden grown greens, steak with gravy to yesterdsy's corn bread and Sweet Potato fluff :o)


  1. wow it looks like cecil got a lot of work done! Do you rent him out..lol?

  2. Oh you lucky gal, getting a baby from The Ohiofarmgirl and having such a fine husband! You just keep cooking and maybe he will get you a good load of poo for the gardens!!!

  3. Mrs. Pickles, He had a "Working fit" this morning and I let him have his way :o) and No, he's not for hire.

    Robin, don't get jealous of my little chick, maybe Ohiofarmgirl will let you have a duck, she has 8 new ones.. I'm still cooking :o) and I could use some poop for my gardens..but poop gathering is so far away..I'll have to buy bags from Lowe's.

  4. Ginny, I would have a some ducks and chickens if they were allowed here! I'm done making tomato puree for the day and am finishing up some chicken stock. It's gray....I used dark red onions and left the skins on and it turned gray! Oh well, it still tastes good!

  5. Robin, sounds like you and Cecil were workaholics today..I'd have some chicks, and ducks here too if it were allowed..That Puree is an investment with many good returns:o) I've got some chicken parts in the freezer I need to make into stock, been putting it off for a while..I better get to it. The freezer space is beginning to shrink and so are my jars, and I haven't even thought about space and jars for storing winter veggies.. ..

  6. Yes, it is through a man's stomach...and the way to a woman's is through a man's wallet. With meals like that, he is a lucky man. :)

  7. Dang, every time I stop by your blog I leave hungry...and it's only 7:50 in the morning.

  8. Kris
    I've seen Cecil's wallet and there's not much in it :o( but I knew that 63 years ago..:o)

    Mr. H.
    Sounds like it's your time for breakfast :o) at 7:50am or maybe your like Cecil he like to eat :o).

  9. I love Cecil's littls shady spot, Ginny!
    Your cooking always looks so good... I'd love to sit down to a meal at your table!

  10. Paula, thanks for the compliments, I always make enough for seconds or one more :o)
    Cecil can find a shady spot anywhere in this yard :o) if not he comes inside and sits in his "chair bed" by the way , I'm so glad both our chairs are made of leather..(won't show dirt stains :o).
